Bloated Binaries How To Detect And Analyze Multi Megabyte MacOS Malware 8

Bloated Binaries | How to Detect and Analyze Large macOS Malware Files

Massive malware binaries are becoming more common on macOS and can cause problems for detection and analysis. Here's how we can successfully deal with them.

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Automating String Decryption And Other Reverse Engineering Tasks In Radare2 With R2pipe By Phil Stokes 1

Automating String Decryption and Other Reverse Engineering Tasks in radare2 With r2pipe

Learn how to drive radare2 with r2pipe for automated binary analysis, string decryption and other common reversing tasks.

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Radare2 Power Ups Delivering Faster MacOS Malware Analysis With R2 Customization 5

Radare2 Power Ups | Delivering Faster macOS Malware Analysis With r2 Customization

Learn how to customize radare2 with user-defined aliases, macros and functions for faster and easier binary diffing and analysis.

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