
CVE 2021 45388 NetUSB RCE Flaw In Millions Of End User Routers

CVE-2021-45608 | NetUSB RCE Flaw in Millions of End User Routers

SentinelLabs has discovered a high severity flaw in NetUSB which could be remotely exploited to execute code in the kernel.

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A Threat Hunters Guide To The Macs Most Prevalent Adware Infections 2022 12

A Threat Hunter’s Guide to the Mac’s Most Prevalent Adware Infections 2022

Mac adware is hidden, persistent, and evasive, fingerprinting devices and delivering custom payloads. Learn how to hunt it on macOS.

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New Rook Ransomware Feeds Off The Code Of Babuk 7

New Rook Ransomware Feeds Off the Code of Babuk

Scavenging code leaked from Babuk, Rook's first victim was a bank and the theft of 1123 GB of data. Learn more about this new ransomware operator.

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Multiple Vulnerabilities Discovered In AWS And Other Major Cloud Services 6

USB Over Ethernet | Multiple Vulnerabilities in AWS and Other Major Cloud Services

25 CVEs and counting: SentinelLabs' latest research reveals millions of cloud users are exposed to privilege escalations from bugs in shared driver software.

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GSOh No Finding Vulnerabilities In VirtualBox Network Offloads 12

GSOh No! Hunting for Vulnerabilities in VirtualBox Network Offloads

Inspired by Pwn2Own, SentinelLabs' researcher Max Van Amerongen discovered three CVEs, including two privilege escalations, in VirtualBox. Read more here.

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Infect If Needed A Deeper Dive Into Targeted Backdoor MacOS Macma 7

Infect If Needed | A Deeper Dive Into Targeted Backdoor macOS.Macma

SentinelLabs reveals further IoCs, behavior and analysis around suspected APT attack targeting macOS users and Hong Kong pro-democracy activists.

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Remote Linux Kernel Heap Overflow TIPC Module Allows Arbitrary Code Execution Ftr

CVE-2021-43267: Remote Linux Kernel Heap Overflow | TIPC Module Allows Arbitrary Code Execution

SentinelLabs has discovered a heap overflow vulnerability in the TIPC module of the Linux Kernel, which can allow attackers to compromise an entire system.

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Spook Ransomware Prometheus Derivative Names Those That Pay Shames Those That Dont 6

Spook Ransomware | Prometheus Derivative Names Those That Pay, Shames Those That Don’t

New ransomware operator publishes victim details even if they pay. Our technical analysis shows how Spook is connected to other well-known malware families.

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AlphaGolang A Step By Step Go Malware Reversing Methodology For IDA Pro 4

AlphaGolang | A Step-by-Step Go Malware Reversing Methodology for IDA Pro

SentinelLabs sets off to dispel the myth that Go malware is hard to reverse engineer. This suite of IDApython scripts will set you well on your way

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Karma Ransomware An Emerging Threat With A Hint Of JSWorm Pedigree 6

Karma Ransomware | An Emerging Threat With A Hint of Nemty Pedigree

Exploring the links between Karma and other well-known malware families such as NEMTY and JSWorm, we find further IoCs and an evolving threat.

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