
WastedLocker Ransomware   Abusing ADS And NTFS File Attributes 4

WastedLocker Ransomware: Abusing ADS and NTFS File Attributes

WastedLocker is a relatively new ransomware that has been attacking high-value targets across numerous industries, including several Fortune 500 companies.

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Enter The Maze  Demystifying An Affiliate Involved In Maze Snow 9

Enter the Maze: Demystifying an Affiliate Involved in Maze (SNOW)

SentinelLabs profiles an affiliate involved with Maze ransomware and details the actor’s involvement with other crimeware families, including TrickBot.

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Breaking EvilQuest Reversing A Custom MacOS Ransomware File Encryption Routine 8

Breaking EvilQuest | Reversing A Custom macOS Ransomware File Encryption Routine

A new macOS ransomware threat uses a custom file encryption routine not based on public key encryption. Jason Reaves shows how we broke it.

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Living Off Windows Land A New Native File  Downldr  13

Living Off Windows Land – A New Native File “downldr”

A newly discovered LOLBin offers an alternative to certutil for helping adversaries download files from a remote server. Meet desktopimgdownldr.exe.

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Thanos Ransomware   A Rapidly Evolving RaaS Targets Legacy AV Backup Solutions 12

Thanos Ransomware | RIPlace, Bootlocker and More Added to Feature Set

Thanos Ransomware has developed rapidly over the last 6 months, offering a customized RaaS tool with an expanding feature set to build unique payloads.

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Inside A “TrickBot” “CobaltStrike” Attack Server 9

Inside a TrickBot Cobalt Strike Attack Server

Analysis of a Cobalt Strike Server leveraged in PowerTrick breaches.

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A Click From The Backyard   Analysis Of CVE 2020 9332 A USB Redirection Software Privilege Escalation 3

A Click from the Backyard | Analysis of CVE-2020-9332, a Vulnerable USB Redirection Software

CVE-2020-9332 is a vulnerability that could allow an attacker to create trusted, fake USB devices and attack Windows machines in new and unexpected ways.

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Valak Malware And The Connection To Gozi Loader ConfCrew 1

Valak Malware and the Connection to Gozi Loader ConfCrew

Valak uses a multi-stage, script-based malware that hijacks email replies and embeds malicious URLs or attachments to infect devices with fileless scripts.

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NetWalker Ransomware Update   No Respite No English Required 2

NetWalker Ransomware: No Respite, No English Required

NetWalker is following a now-familiar pattern: increased ransom demands, threats to leak victim data and relentless attacks during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Sarwent Malware Continues To Evolve With Updated Command Functions 6

Sarwent Malware Continues to Evolve With Updated Command Functions

Sarwent has received little attention from researchers, but this backdoor malware is still being actively developed, with new commands and a focus on RDP.

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