What is Cloud Native Container Security?

This article delves into cloud-native container security, discussing key challenges, common vulnerabilities, and best practices for securing your cloud-native applications.
By SentinelOne September 24, 2024

Cloud-native is the new buzzword in the cloud-enabled industry. It has become an important piece for companies who plan to achieve agility and scalability in their day-to-day cloud operations. With companies moving shifting to cloud-native architecture, the importance of securing them has tremendously increased. Recent data shows that more than 75% of container images contain patchable vulnerabilities of “high” or “critical” severity, while 73% of cloud accounts have exposed S3 buckets, potentially putting sensitive data at risk. The goal of cloud-native security is to ensure the applications and the data are secure from ever-evolving cyber threats.

Containers, which are nothing but running container images, have changed how developers package and deploy applications. By using containers, developers can easily deploy applications without worrying if the application working on their device will work the same on the application server. Although containers come with a ton of benefits, they also present various security risks. Just to add, 62% of organizations have detected terminal shells in containers, which increases the risk of unauthorized access. Companies who rely on containers need to understand and address them to ensure data integrity and avoid leaks.

In this blog post, we will discuss what cloud-native container security is, why it is important, and how the whole process works under the hood. We will also discuss some common challenges companies face when implementing cloud-native container security. At last, we will discuss how you can find the right security partner to help you to secure your environment.

What is Cloud Native Container Security?

Cloud-native container security (CNCS) is a set of different tools and practices that are used to ensure that the applications running in containers (containerized environments) are secure. Containers are running environments for a container image, which is like a binary package that has everything an application needs to run, such as code, third-party dependencies, libraries, and configurations.

The only goal of cloud-native container security software is to secure these containerized applications, starting from getting them from the registry, users locally testing them, and deployment at the end. Cloud-native container security scanning ensures that containers being used by developers are secure from any known security vulnerabilities and follow best practices such as proper access controls, logging and monitoring, management of secrets, etc.

Why Cloud Native Container Security Scanning Matters

With the growing use of containers, there is an urgent need to make the containers secure, and even more so given that the containerized approach is becoming a driving factor in digital transformation for quite a number of organizations. Some of the main reasons for implementing cloud-native container security tools are as follows:

  • Attack Surface Expansion: Containers introduce more moving parts and connections into your application environment. For an attacker, container, image, and orchestration tools associated with the environment are potential attack vectors. If not secured properly, they can act as an entry point for attackers.
  • Dynamic Environments: Cloud-native environments are very dynamic. Docker containers are created and destroyed constantly, and they scale up and down based on user traffic. The dynamic nature of cloud-native environments also negates traditional security approaches.
  • Shared Resources: Containers act as isolated environments, but they actually use the same host operating system and resources. Now, if there’s a vulnerability in the host operating system, it may jeopardize the security of all containers running on the same host.
  • Compliance Requirements: Most industries, such as healthcare and fintech, have very tight regulations about the protection and privacy of data. It is important that containerized applications fully adhere to these regulations in order to continue with the earned trust of existing clients and prevent legal actions along with hefty fines.
  • Integration with DevOps: Containers are at the core of many DevOps practices, which promote fast development and deployment cycles. This way, security is integrated directly into the DevOps pipeline (DevSecOps) and not something to be added at the end of the development lifecycle.

How Cloud Native Container Security Works?

For companies to make the most of cloud-native container security tools, it’s important to understand how they work. Let’s discuss each step in depth:

1. Image Security

Container images are building blocks of a cloud-native container environment. Hence, they are very important to secure. Container image security includes container image scanning to prevent all known vulnerabilities and their reliance on trusted sources. This is usually done using various image security scanning tools. One other important process for image security is the implementation of image signing and verification. This can help companies ensure that only signed images are used by developers and in production.

2. Runtime Security

When containers are up and running, runtime security is important. This is done by checking the behavior of containers to find any suspicious or unauthorized actions. To implement such measures, technologies like eBPF (Extended Berkeley Packet Filter) can be used which can monitor system calls and network activities, thereby giving insights into possible threats. Policies should also be enforced to define which actions a container can perform and vice-versa in order to prevent them from being compromised.

3. Network Security

Network Security is the process of securing the channels of communication between containers and other services. In containerized environments, the deployed applications are broken into multiple small and independent services. These services can communicate with each other, which increases the network traffic and the overall attack surface area.

4. Access Control

Access control is used by cloud administrators to restrict access to containers and their resources only to authorized entities. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is a commonly used way to give access on an as-needed basis without giving everyone the same level of access. The use of OAuth or OpenID Connect (OIDC) adds a layer of additional security on top of RBAC. Also, secure and strong Authentication and Authorization should be integrated with Identity and Access Management (IAM) systems.

5. Configuration Management

Configuration management is one of the key elements in securing a container environment. This is the management of both container and container orchestration platforms (if using orchestration tools like Kubernetes, etc.) configurations. To enforce configuration policies for the containers, such as restricting resource usage and disallowing unused or old privileges, companies can use tools like Open Policy Agent (OPA). OPA is an open-source project that helps write policies as code and then enforce them.

Best Practices for Cloud Native Container Security Scanning

It is critical to improve the cloud-native container security posture. It can be done by following the best practices mentioned below:

#1. Secure Image Management

Images are the building blocks of the whole architecture, and securing them is paramount to container security management. Use only trusted base images from official repositories or trusted vendors. Keep these images up-to-date to remedy the known vulnerabilities. Enforce strict security policies by running automated image scanning tools to catch vulnerabilities and make sure all the images are compliant with them before deploying.

Also, a private image registry with strict access controls should be used to avoid unauthorized retrieval and dissemination of images. Use image signing and verification mechanisms like Docker Content Trust to deploy only signed images in production environments. This way, you can make sure no malicious or rogue images are used on your infrastructure.

#2. Least Privilege Principle

The least privilege enforces that compromised containers have as little impact on an environment as possible. Only run containers with the most minimal permissions that your service needs to operate, and avoid using privileged containers whenever possible. Never run a container as the root, and also ensure that the service accounts have defined permissions instead of running everything as root.

Deploy additional restrictions on container processes by using Linux security modules like seccomp, AppArmor, or SELinux.

#3. Network Policy Enforcement

To have network security, companies should have the same level of network policies between containers and external services. Define rules to restrict inbound and outbound traffic based on what the application needs (e.g., use Kubernetes Network Policies or similar tools). These policies are used to make sure that containers only communicate with known entities and that the risk of lateral movement of attackers is minimized.

Federated service mesh systems like Istio or Linkerd can also be used to improve network security. This is done by enabling features such as mutual TLS for encryption, traffic management, and observability. Service meshes also provide circuit breaking and retries that enhance the durability and security of the communication.

#4. Continuous Monitoring & Logging

Continuous monitoring and logging are important for the real-time detection of security incidents. Install monitoring solutions to get visibility of container activity (e.g., runtime security monitoring with Falco or metrics with Prometheus). These tools can notify you of unusual activities so that you are in a better position against ever-evolving threats.

Also, monitor application level logs as they provide a holistic view of an application. This can be done by using centralized logging solutions such as the Elasticsearch, Logstash & Kibana (ELK) stack.

#5. Automated Security Testing

By adding automated security testing to the existing build, development, and deployment pipeline, companies can detect security issues before they reach production and internet-facing applications where attackers can exploit them. This proactive approach integrates security throughout the development lifecycle, allowing teams to identify and address vulnerabilities early, reducing both risk and the cost of remediation.

Static analysis tools like CodeQL and Semgrep can be used to find security problems before the deployment process starts. Dynamic analysis tools like OWASP ZAP or Nessus are used to regularly perform vulnerability assessments of containerized applications.

Challenges in Cloud Native Container Security Scanning

When it comes to cloud-native container security tools, companies often face challenges. However, in order to implement a strong security system, they need to overcome these challenges. Let’s discuss some of these challenges in detail:

#1. Complexity of Orchestration

Orchestration tools are great for large-scale deployments, but they come with great complexity. Some of the challenges associated with K8s are managing configurations, permissions across multiple nodes & containers, and policies. Due to such complex features, developers who don’t have enough security knowledge make mistakes, which leads to security issues such as sensitive information disclosure, improper access controls, etc.

#2. Rapid Deployment Cycles

Companies believe in shipping products and applications fast with the help of modern-day CI/CD solutions. However, the security of CI/CD tools is often overlooked. The fast development cycles lead to developers pushing vulnerable code to production, which makes it easy for attackers to get inside the system and access sensitive data.

#3. Visibility and Monitoring

Getting visibility and proper monitoring in containerized applications is a tough task. It is because of their dynamic and ephemeral nature. As per traffic requirements, containers can be created or deleted. Effective monitoring solutions should be capable of giving real-time insights from the containers from all different layers of the stack.

#4. Isolation and Multi-Tenancy

Containers share the same host operating system. This can lead to potential security issues if proper security controls are not enforced. In the case of multi-tenant environments, ensuring strong isolation between containers is critical to prevent unauthorized access or data leakage between tenants.

#5. Evolving Threat Landscape

For the cloud-native environments, the threat landscape will continuously evolve. Attackers are creating and developing techniques to exploit vulnerabilities in containerized applications. For companies to stay ahead of security threats and vulnerabilities, security tools and best practices need to be used.

Cloud Native Container Security: Common Threats and Vulnerabilities

Understanding the common threats and vulnerabilities in cloud-native container environments is essential for implementing effective security measures. Here are some of the key concerns:

1. Vulnerable Container Images

One of the most prevalent threats is the use of container images with known vulnerabilities. These vulnerabilities can be exploited by attackers to gain unauthorized access or execute malicious code. Ensuring that images are regularly scanned and updated is crucial to mitigate this risk.

Organizations should also rely on trusted sources for their base images and avoid using outdated or unsupported versions. Automated tools can help continuously monitor image repositories for new vulnerabilities, ensuring that any issues are promptly addressed.

2. Insecure Configurations

Misconfigurations in container orchestration platforms, such as Kubernetes, can lead to significant security risks. Examples include overly permissive network policies, exposed management interfaces, and incorrect access control settings. These misconfigurations can provide attackers with entry points to compromise the environment.

Regular audits and adherence to best practices are necessary to secure configurations effectively. Implementing configuration management tools and policy-as-code solutions can help enforce consistent security settings across environments.

3. Container Breakouts

Container breakouts occur when an attacker exploits a vulnerability to escape from a container and gain access to the host system. This can lead to unauthorized access to other containers or the underlying infrastructure.

Techniques such as running containers with minimal privileges, using security modules like AppArmor or SELinux, and implementing strict resource limits can help prevent breakouts. Regularly updating container runtimes and applying security patches also play a critical role in minimizing the risk of breakouts.

4. Supply Chain Attacks

Supply chain attacks target the software development lifecycle by compromising third-party components or dependencies used in containerized applications. Attackers can introduce malicious code into libraries or tools that developers use, which then gets propagated through the application.

For example, in the 2020 SolarWinds attack where, hackers added malicious code to the company’s Orion software updates, which were then unknowingly distributed to thousands of customers, including government agencies and major corporations.

To mitigate this threat, organizations should implement rigorous supply chain security practices, including verifying the integrity of all third-party components and using tools that monitor for known vulnerabilities. Establishing a software bill of materials (SBOM) can provide transparency into dependencies and enhance supply chain security.

5. Insider Threats

Insider threats involve malicious actions taken by individuals within the organization, such as employees or contractors. These threats can be particularly damaging because insiders often have legitimate access to systems and data.

Implementing strict access controls, monitoring user activities, and employing behavioral analytics can help detect and prevent insider threats. Regular training and awareness programs can also educate employees about security policies and encourage them to report suspicious activities, further reducing the risk of insider threats.

Choosing the Right Cloud Native Container Security Solution

Selecting an appropriate cloud-native container security solution is crucial for protecting your containerized environments. Here are five key considerations to guide your decision:

Comprehensive Coverage

Ensure that the security solution offers comprehensive coverage across the entire container lifecycle, including image scanning, runtime protection, network security, and configuration management. A solution that integrates seamlessly with your existing CI/CD pipeline can help automate security checks and enforce policies consistently. Look for features that provide visibility into both the container and orchestration layers, enabling a holistic approach to security.

Scalability and Performance

Choose a solution that can scale with your organization’s needs without compromising performance. As your container deployments grow, the security solution should efficiently handle increased workloads and provide real-time monitoring and threat detection. Evaluate the solution’s ability to support multi-cloud and hybrid environments, ensuring it can adapt to diverse infrastructure setups.

Integration Capabilities

The ability to integrate with existing tools and platforms is essential for a smooth implementation process. Ensure that the security solution is compatible with your orchestration platform (e.g., Kubernetes), CI/CD tools (e.g., Jenkins, GitLab), and other security tools (e.g., SIEM systems). Strong integration capabilities facilitate streamlined workflows and enhance overall security posture by leveraging existing investments.

Threat Detection and Response

Effective threat detection and response capabilities are vital for identifying and mitigating security incidents promptly. Look for solutions that offer advanced threat intelligence, anomaly detection, and automated response mechanisms. Features such as real-time alerts, detailed reporting, and forensic analysis tools can help security teams quickly understand and address potential threats.

User Experience and Support

Consider the user experience offered by the security solution, including ease of deployment, configuration, and management. A user-friendly interface can significantly reduce the learning curve for your team.

Additionally, evaluate the vendor’s support services, including documentation, training resources, and customer support availability. Reliable support can be invaluable in addressing technical challenges and ensuring successful implementation.


The cloud-native environment comes with multiple challenges due to multiple moving parts. As containers become an important part of the deployment cycle, it’s important for companies to understand the security challenges associated with containers and cloud-native environments.

By implementing comprehensive security measures across the container lifecycle—from image management to runtime protection—organizations can effectively mitigate risks and safeguard their applications.

Implementing the best practices discussed in the blog, such as the principle of least privilege, secure configurations, and continuous monitoring for threats, helps in improving the overall security posture of containerized environments. Additionally, being aware of common threats and vulnerabilities allows organizations to address potential risks proactively.

Choosing the right security solution plays an important role in the process of securing cloud-native container security. A solution that offers comprehensive coverage, scalability, seamless integration, advanced threat detection, and a positive user experience can significantly improve an organization’s defense and security posture.


What is Container Security?

Container security involves implementing measures to secure containerized applications from potential threats throughout their lifecycle. This includes securing the container images, ensuring safe configurations, monitoring runtime activities, and protecting the network communications between containers.

What is Cloud Native Security?

Cloud-native security refers to the practices and tools designed to secure applications that are developed and deployed using cloud-native technologies. These applications are typically built using microservices architectures, run in containers, and are orchestrated by platforms like Kubernetes. Cloud-native security focuses on protecting applications across all stages of their lifecycle, from development to deployment. This is done by ensuring that they are resilient against threats and compliant with security policies.

Which tool is best for Cloud Native Container Security?

SentinelOne is considered one of the best tools for cloud-native container security. It offers a comprehensive solution that provides real-time threat detection and response capabilities specifically tailored for containerized environments. SentinelOne’s platform integrates seamlessly with legacy systems used by companies, offering multiple advanced features such as runtime protection, automated threat mitigation, and detailed forensic analysis.

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