Cyber Security Testing: Definition and Types

The widespread shift to cloud-based systems and mobile app usage has increased online activity, but security measures initially lagged behind. This gap has led to a surge in digital crime, including data breaches, ransomware attacks, and phishing schemes targeting both businesses and individuals.
By SentinelOne October 22, 2024

Cybersecurity is essential because it protects digital systems, networks, and data from a wide array of threats that can have severe consequences for individuals, businesses, and governments.

The way in which we use the digital universe has changed dramatically in the last few years, particularly since the pandemic forced changes in the way we work, play, and interact, both personally and at work.

For businesses, remote access to systems and data has become common, and many organizations have moved systems and data to the cloud. For individuals, using social media and corporate apps from mobile devices anytime, anywhere, has given rise to an explosion in WiFi access in public spaces. Online shopping also has replaced trips to shops in many cases.

Unfortunately, the upsurge in online activity was initially not met by a corresponding upsurge in corporate and personal security. In short, there has been a major increase in digitally-based crime. At a corporate level, data banks are raided for information that can be used in later thefts. DDoS and ransomware attacks are used to deny access to corporate systems and damage their businesses. Individuals are exposed to fake e-commerce websites and phishing emails.

cyber security testing - ransomware attacks | SentinelOneWe read daily about ransomware attacks and data theft which are affected by malicious or accidental exploits. The recent failure of a Microsoft systems upgrade caused a loss of air traffic control systems affecting over 3,000 flights in the US alone.

That is why we need cybersecurity—to protect businesses and individuals against these threats. However, no matter how comprehensive a cybersecurity environment is in place, it still can be circumvented by a user clicking on a phishing link in an email or providing bank card details to a fake website.

What Is Cyber Security Testing?

New cyber threats appear daily. All prudent businesses have a rolling program of cybersecurity evaluation and updates as part of their normal operational procedures. As with all development and implementation programs, testing is an integral part of the process. Misapplied or faulty modifications and additions to the cybersecurity platform could cause all kinds of mayhem to business processes.

Types of Cyber Security Testing

There are many and varied types of cyber threats. They range from network-based automated threats, increasingly driven by AI robots, to hacker-driven breaches and data theft. As a consequence, the cybersecurity environment deploys a range of integrated but functionally separate defenses. Each will have its own test environment, test program, and success metrics. Tests can be carried out in the simulation, in real-time, and in reviews of operational logs.

Here are some types of Cyber Security Testing:

1. Vulnerability Scanning

  • This automated process identifies vulnerabilities within a system, network, or application by scanning for known issues. It provides a comprehensive view of possible risks, such as outdated software, misconfigurations, or missing patches.
  • This test can be carried out on an operational system that’s running.

2. Penetration Testing (Pen Testing)

  • Pen testing simulates real-world cyberattacks to assess the security of systems, applications, or networks. Security experts, known as ethical hackers, attempt to exploit vulnerabilities to determine how an attacker might gain unauthorized access.
  • Again, this test can be carried out on an operational system that’s running, although it is best carried out at times when the potential effect of downtime caused by a test would not affect production.

3. Security Audits

  • These involve a comprehensive review of an organization’s security policies, procedures, and controls to ensure they align with industry standards or regulatory requirements (e.g., ISO 27001, HIPAA). Audits assess the overall effectiveness of security measures.
  • This is an ongoing process. New threats and vulnerabilities arise every day, and regular audits are vital in keeping on top of things.

Cyber Security Testing - New threats and vulnerabilities | SentinelOne4. Risk Assessment

  • A risk assessment evaluates the potential threats to an organization’s assets and determines the likelihood and impact of these risks. It helps in identifying critical areas requiring more robust security measures.
  • Again, because of the ever-changing nature of the threats, this should be an ongoing process, either full-time for large networks or at regular intervals for the smaller ones.

5. Red Team vs Blue Team Testing

  • Red Team testing: Involves simulating real-world attacks by an adversarial team (the “Red Team”) to evaluate the effectiveness of security defenses.
  • Blue Team testing: The “Blue Team” defends against these simulated attacks and identifies gaps in the security posture during and after the exercises.
  • This focuses on testing the security of web applications by identifying vulnerabilities like SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and other common web-based threats. Tools like OWASP ZAP or Burp Suite are often used.

6. Network Security Testing

  • Network security testing involves evaluating the security of networks by identifying weak points like unsecured access points, poor configurations, or exposed ports. It includes techniques like port scanning, firewall testing, and intrusion detection system (IDS) checks.

7. Social Engineering Testing

  • This involves testing human vulnerabilities by simulating phishing attacks, spear-phishing, or pretexting to assess how well employees respond to social engineering tactics.

8. Wireless Security Testing

  • This focuses on the security of wireless networks, assessing risks related to WiFi security, encryption, and access points.

9. Mobile Application Security Testing

  • Similar to web application testing, this focuses on identifying vulnerabilities in mobile apps, ensuring that sensitive data is protected from threats like unauthorized access or data leaks.

10. Physical Security Testing

  • This type of testing involves assessing the security of physical devices, data centers, and infrastructure to ensure that access control mechanisms, surveillance, and other physical security measures are effective.

Each type of testing offers unique insights into an organization’s security and helps create a more robust and resilient cybersecurity framework.

Key Techniques and Methodologies in Cyber Security Testing

As we’ve seen, there are many and varied types of cyber threats. This means there must be many and varied types of cybersecurity tools to thwart them. That, in turn, means many and varied types of cybersecurity tests to ensure that the tools work and don’t affect normal business operations.

ISECOM, an open-source organization, has developed a comprehensive manual covering cybersecurity testing. Here’s how they describe themselves: “Back in January 2001, the Institute for Security and Open Methodologies (ISECOM) began with the free publication of the Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual (OSSTMM). It was a move to vastly improve how security was tested, analyzed, and implemented. Many researchers from various fields contributed their experiences and knowledge because they saw the need for such an open method, one that was bound towards fact and not commercial gain or political agendas.”

Let’s look at some approaches in detail:

Static Analysis

Static analysis in cybersecurity testing refers to the process of examining an application’s source code, binaries, or bytecode without executing it. Organizations primarily use it to identify security vulnerabilities, coding errors, and potential weaknesses in the application during the development phase. This method ensures that issues are caught early in the software development life cycle (SDLC) before the code is deployed.

Key Aspects of Static Analysis in Cybersecurity Testing

  • Early detection of security vulnerabilities
    • Static analysis allows security issues to be identified in the code before it is run or deployed, which can save time and costs related to fixing vulnerabilities later in the development process.
    • Common vulnerabilities detected include buffer overflows, SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), insecure coding practices, and unhandled exceptions.
  • Automated and manual analysis
    • Automated tools: Static analysis is usually performed using specialized tools that automatically scan the code to detect vulnerabilities and compliance with security standards.
    • Manual review: In some cases, a manual review of the code is done by security experts to catch logic flaws and complex vulnerabilities that automated tools might miss.
  • Comprehensive coverage
    • Organizations can apply static analysis to various programming languages and platforms, including web applications, mobile applications, and embedded systems.
    • It helps cover a broad range of potential security flaws, from poor input validation to insufficient error handling.
  • Integration into DevOps (DevSecOps)
    • Static analysis tools can be integrated into continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines, making it easier to automatically test and identify vulnerabilities during the development process.

Benefits of Static Analysis

  • Early issue detection: Identifying security vulnerabilities in the early stages of development reduces the cost and effort required to fix issues.
  • Automation: Automated tools can quickly analyze large codebases, making the process efficient and scalable.
  • Improves code quality: In addition to security vulnerabilities, static analysis helps detect general code quality issues, such as dead code, unreachable statements, and non-optimized logic.
  • Compliance with security standards: By running static analysis, organizations can ensure their applications adhere to industry standards (e.g., OWASP Top 10, SANS/CWE Top 25).

Limitations of Static Analysis

  • False positives: Static analysis tools may generate false positives, where they incorrectly flag secure code as vulnerable. This can lead to extra time spent investigating nonissues.
  • Limited coverage: While static analysis is excellent for identifying common security vulnerabilities, it may miss more complex, context-dependent issues.
  • No real-world scenario: Since static analysis does not involve running code, it cannot detect runtime vulnerabilities, like those caused by environment-specific configurations or dependencies.

A major limitation of static testing is just that—it is static. It does not test in a real environment, where attacks are likely to occur. That is where dynamic testing—or testing running systems—comes into play.

Dynamic Analysis

Dynamic analysis in cybersecurity testing refers to the process of analyzing an application or system while it is running to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses that may only be detectable during execution. Unlike static analysis, which reviews code without executing it, dynamic analysis involves interacting with the live environment to test how the application behaves in real-world conditions. This makes it essential for detecting runtime vulnerabilities that occur due to improper handling of input, data flows, memory, or environment-specific configurations.

Cyber Security Testing - Dynamic Analysis | SentinelOneKey Aspects of Dynamic Analysis in Cyber Security Testing

1. Runtime behavior testing 

  • Dynamic analysis evaluates how the application responds to real-time data and inputs, helping to identify vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), authentication flaws, and session management issues.
  • The testing reveals how the system performs under normal or abnormal circumstances, including error handling, data validation, and resource management.

2. Black box testing:

  • In many cases, dynamic analysis can be performed as a black box test, where the tester has no knowledge of the application’s internal workings. This simulates how an external attacker might interact with the system to exploit vulnerabilities.

3. Comprehensive vulnerability detection

  • Dynamic analysis is particularly effective in finding vulnerabilities that depend on how code interacts with the environment, such as:
  • Input validation issues, where user inputs aren’t properly sanitized, leading to attacks like SQL injection.
  • Memory management errors, such as buffer overflows or memory leaks.
  • Authentication and authorization flaws, where user roles and access controls are improperly implemented.
  • Session management issues, such as session hijacking or improper session expiration.

Common Techniques in Dynamic Analysis

1. Fuzz testing (fuzzing)

  • What it is: Involves feeding an application unexpected or random inputs (fuzz) to see how it handles errors and crashes. The goal is to expose bugs and vulnerabilities that occur due to improper input handling.
  • Purpose: To identify input validation issues, buffer overflows, and other vulnerabilities caused by unexpected data.
  • Techniques used:
    • Random data is injected into the input fields of the application.
    • The system’s behavior is monitored to check if it crashes, throws exceptions, or produces unexpected results.

2. Web Application Scanning (dynamic application security testing, or DAST)

  • What it is: Scanning live web applications to detect vulnerabilities that manifest during execution. This can include testing login forms, file uploads, URL parameters, and other input points.
  • Purpose: To identify common vulnerabilities such as XSS, SQL injection, remote code execution, and insecure session management.
  • Techniques used:
    • Automated scanners simulate user behavior by interacting with web forms, URLs, and cookies to detect how the application responds to malicious input.
    • Manual testing complements automated scans by focusing on business logic flaws or more complex scenarios.

3. Memory and Resource Testing

  • What it is: Testing the application for vulnerabilities related to memory management and resource handling, such as memory leaks or improper freeing of memory.
  • Purpose: To ensure that the application does not suffer from issues like buffer overflows, use-after-free, or race conditions, which can lead to arbitrary code execution or denial-of-service (DoS) attacks.
  • Techniques used:
    • Monitoring memory allocation and usage during the execution of different functionalities
    • Introducing simultaneous requests or inputs to check how the system handles resource allocation under load

4. Runtime Error Detection

  • What it is: Monitoring applications for runtime errors such as invalid data inputs, exception handling issues, or improper responses to user actions.
  • Purpose: To ensure that the application can gracefully handle unexpected inputs and avoid security-critical issues like revealing stack traces, unhandled exceptions, or system crashes.
  • Techniques used:
    • Simulating various inputs (both valid and invalid) to trigger different parts of the application and observe its error-handling mechanisms
    • Injecting faults to see how the system handles failures or abnormal conditions

5. Network Traffic Analysis

  • What it is: Capturing and analyzing network traffic between the client and server during the execution of an application.
  • Purpose: To detect vulnerabilities related to data transmissions, such as man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks, unencrypted data transmissions, or improper use of cryptographic protocols.
  • Techniques used:
    • Monitoring the network traffic for sensitive data being transmitted in plaintext (e.g., usernames, passwords, credit card details)
    • Identifying weaknesses in encryption algorithms or improper use of certificates in SSL/TLS communication

6. Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST)

  • What it is: A hybrid approach that combines the benefits of both static and dynamic analysis. It monitors the application during runtime but uses insights from the code structure to identify deeper vulnerabilities.
  • Purpose: To provide a more detailed view of vulnerabilities by correlating code-level issues with runtime behaviors, making it easier to find logic flaws or complex security issues.
  • Techniques used:
    • Instrumentation: The application is instrumented with an agent that analyzes code execution paths, data flows, and user interactions in real-time.

7. Authentication and Authorization Testing

  • What it is: Testing the application’s login and access control mechanisms to ensure that they enforce proper authentication and authorization policies.
  • Purpose: To verify that only authorized users can access restricted resources, and to ensure that session management is secure.
  • Techniques used:
    • Testing for weak password policies, session fixation, and insecure password recovery mechanisms
    • Simulating privilege escalation attacks to ensure that users cannot access higher-privilege resources without proper authorization

Benefits of Dynamic Analysis

  • Real-world testing: Dynamic analysis provides a more accurate assessment of security vulnerabilities because it tests the system under real conditions. This includes interaction with external users, systems, and environments.
  • Detection of runtime vulnerabilities: Many vulnerabilities only become apparent during runtime, such as memory management issues, input validation problems, and improper error handling.
  • Immediate feedback on application behavior: Dynamic analysis gives insight into how the application behaves when faced with malicious inputs or unexpected user behavior, allowing quick detection of flaws.
  • Improved security posture: It helps to identify vulnerabilities that attackers could exploit, allowing the organization to fix these issues before they become a risk.

Limitations of Dynamic Analysis

  • False positives and negatives: Dynamic analysis tools can sometimes produce false positives (flagging nonissues as vulnerabilities) or false negatives (missing actual vulnerabilities).
  • Requires a running system: The application or system must be fully operational for dynamic analysis, which means that vulnerabilities might not be detected during the early stages of development.
  • Time-consuming: Since it involves interacting with live systems, dynamic analysis can take longer than static analysis, especially when testing large applications or systems with complex functionality.
  • Limited to runtime issues: Dynamic analysis may not identify vulnerabilities in the underlying code itself unless combined with static analysis techniques.

Cyber Security Testing Benefits

The overriding benefit of cybersecurity testing is that, by testing first, you do not affect normal business operations by misapplied or incorrect cybersecurity tools. It also means that you are not lulled into a sense of false security by implementing a cybersecurity procedure or tool that does not work.

Cybersecurity Best Practices

Organizations need to look at cybersecurity best practices to ensure their protection from cyber threats. You can find information on best practices in the cloud, but this is a wide field and one that is continually changing and expanding. SentinelOne has a list of best practices, and also offers a broader look at the field in its resource center.

Bearing in mind the challenges and issues inherent in cybersecurity, here are some essential cybersecurity best practices:

  1. Use strong, unique passwords.
  2. Enable multifactor authentication (MFA).
  3. Keep software updated.
  4. Install antivirus, anti-spyware, and anti-malware software on desktops and corporate servers.
  5. Use firewalls.
  6. Secure WiFi networks.
  7. Back up data regularly.
  8. Educate and train employees.
  9. Practice good email hygiene.
  10. Encrypt sensitive data.
  11. Limit user privileges.
  12. Monitor and log activity.
  13. Secure mobile devices.
  14. Implement physical security.
  15. Develop an incident response plan.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

The opportunity to test an organization’s cyber defenses provides an opportunity to carry out cyber theft. The individuals carrying out the tests must understand the legal and ethical principles of what they do. The University of Tulsa has published a paper on this subject. In summary, highlights include:

  • Respecting people
  • Ensuring justice
  • Respecting the law and the public interest

This obviously implies an understanding of the legal frameworks and regulations, ethical hacking principles, and responsible disclosure around cybersecurity in general.

Cybersecurity legal frameworks provide the foundation for protecting information systems and

data from cyber threats. These frameworks include laws, regulations, guidelines, and standards established by governments, international organizations, and industry bodies. They aim to safeguard data privacy, secure networks, and ensure compliance with cybersecurity practices to mitigate the impact of cybercrime and data breaches.

Common Legal Frameworks

Legal frameworks often encountered include:

  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (Europe)—GDPR is one of the most comprehensive data privacy laws, enforced by the European Union (EU). It governs how organizations collect, store, and process the personal data of EU citizens.
  • NIST Cybersecurity Framework (US)—Developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the framework provides voluntary guidance for organizations to manage and reduce cybersecurity risks.
  • Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA) (US)—Passed in 2015, CISA facilitates the sharing of cyber threat information between the federal government and private companies to improve national cybersecurity defenses.
  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) (US)—HIPAA is a law that sets the standard for protecting sensitive patient data in the healthcare industry.
  • Cybersecurity Act of 2015 (US)—A federal law that promotes cybersecurity information sharing between the government and the private sector to enhance defense against cyber threats.
  • Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) (Global)—A set of security standards designed to ensure that all companies handling credit card information maintain a secure environment.
  • European Union Network and Information Security (NIS) Directive—The NIS Directive aims to improve cybersecurity for critical infrastructure operators and digital service providers.
  • ISO/IEC 27001 (Global)—ISO/IEC 27001 is an international standard that provides a framework for an information security management system (ISMS).

Common Challenges in Cyber Security Testing

Though many challenges have remained over the years, the move to remote access and cloud-based systems, as well as hybrid and work-from-home environments, has brought new challenges in securing data and systems.

The perpetual challenges remain:

  • Resource limitations both in cost and expertise. Both large and small organizations have limitations on the resources they can deploy for cybersecurity. For example, a large organization could have staff dedicated to cybersecurity, but a small one is more likely to have part-time or outsourced resources.  A large organization is more likely to be able to afford hardware and software.
  • Keeping up with new threats. As already mentioned, cybersecurity is a moveable feast. New threats appear seemingly daily, requiring new awareness and new countermeasures. This requires resources and new knowledge, which may not be readily available.
  • Balancing security and usability. Making a system completely safe is achievable, but doing so could make it unusable. Categorizing threats and allocating countermeasures by likelihood and effect can balance safety and usability.
  • Knowing the difference between real and imagined threats (false positives and negatives). This is a difficult challenge, and it requires continuous knowledge updates.

Cyber Security Testing - remote access and cloud-based systems | SentinelOneCriteria for Selecting the Right Tools

It’s obvious that implementing cybersecurity testing is a complex and ongoing task, both technically and operationally. As with other implementations, it is prudent to seek professional advice from qualified and experienced solution providers. One such solution provider is SentinelOne.

SentinelOne can take you through the process from an investigation and definition of your needs to proposing and implementing a solution that establishes a cybersecurity environment for you. It has a solid reputation for providing comprehensive, appropriate, and affordable solutions.

It currently serves three of the Fortune 10 and several hundred of the global 2000 companies in the US and around the world. Go to SentinelOne’s customer page for more information.


Cyber threats are continually evolving. Establishing solid cyber defenses with appropriate tools, policies, and procedures is key to safeguarding sensitive information and preventing business disruptions. It is vital to remain vigilant.

Remember, in the digital realm, your actions play a crucial role in fortifying a collective defense against cyber adversaries. Stay informed, stay secure, and let’s build a digital world that’s resilient against cyber threats.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are some types of cybercrime?

Some common types of cybercrime include hacking, phishing, ransomware, identity theft, financial fraud, distributed denial of service attacks, malware, and cyber espionage.

2. What does cybersecurity do?

The specific objectives of any cybersecurity platform include:

  • Protecting sensitive data.
  • Preventing financial loss.
  • Maintaining business continuity.
  • Protecting reputation.
  • Preventing unauthorized access.
  • Ensuring regulatory compliance.
  • Defending against evolving threats.
  • Safeguarding intellectual property.
  • Supporting national security.
  • Protecting against insider threats.

In essence, cybersecurity is vital to ensuring the safety, integrity, and confidentiality of the digital world, preventing harm to individuals and society at large. As the use of online resources increases, so does the importance of maintaining strong cyber defenses.

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