As the summer ends, it’s time to get back into the swing of things for the Scalyr team. We’re going to be out and about from September thru December and we would enjoy you stopping by to talk about how logs impact you, hear a few war stories (and maybe share a few), and catch you up on our latest technology.
September kicks off with PagerDuty Summit in San Francisco, CA happening September 10-12, 2018. PagerDuty is helping to define and drive the future of the practice of DevOps and Scalyr is pleased to be sponsoring the Summit. Scalyr will be in the Colonia Room on the Mezzanine Level and we want to meet all of you.

Scalyr will also be at DevOpsDays in Portland, OR, September 11-13, 2018. We’ve had the privilege of being part of a number of DevOpsDays around the United States and are fascinated by both the depth and breadth of knowledge the attendees share with us. Every show has been different and fascinating, so please stop by and tell us about what you do.
Jenkins World kicks off on September 16th,,2018 in San Francisco. Along with being on the show floor, Scalyr’s CEO and Founder, Steve Newman, will be speaking on what it takes to build operational visibility for modern design and scale. We’re in booth #201, so drop by and chat with us.

And we finish out the month with the Grace Hopper Celebration on September 26-28, 2018 in Houston, TX. GHC, produced by the, is the largest gathering of women technologists in the world. Please stop by booth #4951 and meet some of our skilled engineering team and learn more about our product, our technology, and culture of diversity.

So, as you can see, September is a busy month for Scalyr. If you don’t have a chance to meet us at one of these events keep watching this space, because there are more coming up in 2018.