AWS Cloud Security: Risks & Best Practices

Threat actors are getting smarter at exploiting vulnerabilities found in AWS cloud security services. It’s time to step up and get ahead of them. Enforce effective baselines and master the fundamentals today.
By SentinelOne July 31, 2024

In an increasingly interconnected digital world, the security of your data on the cloud is of paramount importance. As one of the most prevalent and powerful cloud platforms, Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers robust security measures. Yet, understanding AWS Cloud Security and effectively leveraging it can be complex.

This easy guide provides a comprehensive overview of AWS Cloud Security, illuminating best practices, shedding light on potential risks, and emphasizing the advantages of this security system. Navigate the intricacies of AWS Cloud Security with ease and arm yourself with the knowledge to fortify your digital assets.

What is Cloud Security?

At its core, cloud security refers to the collective measures, controls, and protocols implemented to safeguard data, applications, and the underlying infrastructure of cloud computing. It is a multifaceted discipline that addresses a broad spectrum of potential threats by integrating several security controls across data protection, compliance, privacy, and user access.

Cloud security comprises several categories, each addressing specific concerns. Data security, for instance, ensures that data stored in the cloud—whether at rest or in transit—is protected against unauthorized access, leaks, or breaches. Identity and access management (IAM) protocols, on the other hand, control who can access the cloud resources, defining and managing the roles and access privileges of individual network users.

The essence of cloud security is not just about prevention but also about swift incident response. When a security incident occurs, appropriate measures, such as the isolation of affected resources and investigation, need to be implemented promptly to limit the damage.

What is AWS Cloud Security?

AWS Cloud Security follows a shared security model and is used to protect data, apps, and infrastructure assets within the AWS cloud ecosystem. It features a comprehensive suite of security tools and protocols designed to combat the unique security challenges of the AWS environment.

AWS Cloud Security takes charge of protecting the underlying infrastructure that supports the cloud, including the hardware, software, networking, and facilities. The user, on the other hand, is responsible for securing anything they put on the cloud or connect to the cloud, such as customer data, applications, and operating systems.

It also ensures compliance with numerous regulatory standards and certifications, making it a reliable choice for organizations operating in highly regulated sectors.

With AWS Cloud Security, it’s not just about safeguarding against potential threats but also enabling swift incident response, should a breach occur. Tools like AWS Security Hub offer a unified view of security alerts and posture across AWS accounts, aiding in speedy threat detection and remediation.

How Secure is AWS Cloud?

AWS Cloud prides itself on being one of the most secure and versatile cloud platforms available today. Its exceptional security stature rests on the strong foundations of physical, operational, and software measures designed to protect and fortify the cloud infrastructure.

Physical security is handled meticulously with AWS data centers located in undisclosed locations, boasting around-the-clock security personnel, video surveillance, and advanced intrusion detection systems. This stringent security extends to the operational level, where AWS employs a “least privilege” protocol, limiting access to its infrastructure and data to only those personnel necessary.

On the software front, the security of the AWS Cloud is akin to a well-rehearsed strategic dance, integrating several security tools and features designed to provide end-to-end protection. The AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) service, for instance, allows granular permissions control, enabling you to define who can take action on specific resources. 

AWS’s data encryption capabilities are extensive, offering encryption both at rest and in transit. Key Management Services (KMS) further reinforces data security by providing secure key storage and control. Meanwhile, the GuardDuty service enhances the overall security posture by offering intelligent threat detection and continuous monitoring.

Lastly, AWS’s commitment to maintaining compliance with a wide range of international and industry-specific standards, such as GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI DSS, further bolsters its security credibility.

The relentless adversaries lurking in the digital shadows constantly seek to exploit vulnerabilities. AWS Cloud is your ally to mitigating emerging cloud threats and secures your data, applications, and resources.

Which Security Services are provided by AWS?

AWS Identity Services helps you securely manage identities, resources, and permissions at scale. AWS detection and response services streamline security operations across the AWS environment, prioritize risks, and integrate the best AWS security practices early on in the development lifecycle.

Services like AWS Config and AWS Resource Access Manager lay the groundwork, enabling you to discover and catalog all your AWS resources. These services help maintain a clear and updated inventory of your cloud assets, including servers, databases, and applications.

Once these assets are identified, the focus shifts to vulnerability risk management. AWS Inspector performs automated security assessments, unveiling potential weaknesses in your applications. Meanwhile, AWS GuardDuty continuously monitors for malicious or unauthorized behavior, ready to alert you about emerging threats.

The strategic dance of security continues with AWS Shield and AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF), services designed to protect your cloud infrastructure from external threats. AWS Shield provides DDoS protection, while AWS WAF safeguards your web applications from common web exploits.

Preparing for a swift incident response is also key, and services like AWS Security Hub and Amazon CloudWatch are instrumental here. AWS Security Hub provides a comprehensive view of your security alerts and security posture, while Amazon CloudWatch facilitates real-time monitoring of your resources and applications.

Together, these services form a resilient defense, keeping you one step ahead of the relentless adversaries lurking in the shadows. However, AWS Cloud Security is not just about safeguarding your assets—it’s also about managing the information exposed to potential attackers.

Top 10 AWS Cloud Security Risks

Following are the top 10 risks in AWS cloud infrastructure:

1. Misconfigurations of AWS Resources: Incorrect setup of AWS resources can inadvertently expose sensitive data or systems, making them vulnerable to attacks. Regular audits and vigilant configuration management can help mitigate this risk.

2. Inadequate Identity and Access Management: Improper assignment of roles or outdated permissions can lead to unauthorized access, posing significant threats to your cloud resources. Robust management of IAM is crucial to counter this risk.

3. Threats from Malicious Insiders or Compromised Credentials: Employees with malicious intent or compromised user credentials can wreak havoc in the cloud ecosystem. Strict internal controls and continuous monitoring can help preempt such threats.

4. Unprotected Data Stored in AWS Services: Data that is not adequately encrypted or protected can fall prey to cyber-attacks. Implementing stringent encryption and data protection measures can secure your data assets.

5. Lack of Network Segmentation within AWS: Inadequate network segmentation can escalate a minor breach into a major disaster by allowing lateral movement of attackers. Effective network segmentation is key to containing potential breaches.

6. Vulnerabilities from Insecure Application Codes: Applications built on older, less secure frameworks can expose your cloud environment to attacks. Regular vulnerability scanning and updating of application codes can mitigate this risk.

7. DDoS Attacks and Other Network Security Threats: DDoS attacks can disrupt your services, causing significant financial and reputational damage. AWS provides services like AWS Shield to protect against such threats, but strategic planning is needed for effective implementation.

8. Logging and Monitoring Gaps: Inadequate monitoring and logging can lead to blind spots in threat detection and impede incident response. Comprehensive monitoring and logging practices can help illuminate these blind spots.

9. AWS Service Quota Exceeding: Exceeding service quotas can impact the availability and performance of your cloud resources. Regular monitoring of usage against quotas can help avoid unexpected surprises.

10. Insecure APIs and Interfaces: APIs and interfaces that are not secure can provide easy entry points for attackers. Regular audits, secure coding practices, and API Gateway’s inbuilt security measures can help secure your APIs and interfaces.

What are the Best Practices for AWS Cloud Security?

If your organization is built on the AWS infrastructure, it’s important to implement the best practices to ensure good AWS Cloud Security. Managing network access, protecting traffic, and configuring your S3 buckets are all a part of AWS Cloud Security. Creating an AWS Cloud Security strategy is the first step to incorporating the best AWS Cloud Security practices across single, hybrid, and multi-cloud environments.

Your AWS Cloud Security strategy should include the following key elements:

  • Visibility across multiple cloud environments
  • DevSecOps workflows
  • Regular patching and updates for all technologies
  • Security automation
  • Defense-in-Depth cyber security layering
  • Zero trust policies, procedures, and continuous compliance
  • Cloud-native security tools and platforms

Here is a list of the best AWS Cloud Security practices worth implementing once the security strategy is put in place:

  • Principle of Least Privilege Access (PoLP)

The principle of least privilege takes away all authorizations and maintains the standing that only users or entities should get authorized access in order to complete specific tasks. All privileges are automatically revoked when the tasks are completed. AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a powerful tool that is used to implement the Principle of Least Privilege Access (PoLP) effectively..

  • Inventory Management with AWS Config

Maintain an up-to-date inventory of your AWS resources with AWS Config. It is a service that helps you discover and track your AWS resources, ensuring that you have a clear view of your attack surface.

  • Fix Misconfigurations

Regularly review and audit your AWS configurations. Misconfigurations can expose your assets to potential threats, and using services like AWS Trusted Advisor or AWS Config can help you identify and rectify such issues.

  • Encrypt Data At Rest and In-Transit

Data encryption, both at rest and in transit, is a critical best practice. AWS provides several services, like AWS Key Management Service (KMS) and AWS Certificate Manager, to help manage encryption keys and certificates.

  • Incident Response and Prevention

Lastly, preparing for incident response is vital. Despite all preventive measures, breaches can still occur, and having a well-defined incident response plan can limit damages and speed up recovery. It’s crucial to factor in data backup as well during this process to ensure business continuity after major disruptions.

What are the Advantages of AWS Cloud Security?

Scalability and Flexibility of AWS Security Solutions: With AWS, your security scales and adapts as your business evolves. The vast array of services offered caters to businesses of all sizes and sectors, allowing you to tailor your security measures to match your specific needs. This scalability and flexibility act as powerful shields, protecting your digital assets as you explore new horizons.

AWS Security Compliance and Certifications: AWS’s compliance with a wide range of global security standards and certifications stands as a testament to its robust security framework. Whether it’s PCI DSS for payment card data or HIPAA for health information, AWS has you covered, providing an environment where your compliance requirements are met with precision and professionalism.

The robustness of AWS Infrastructure Security: AWS offers robust physical and infrastructure security that serves as the foundation of your cloud environment. AWS’s commitment to maintaining the security and integrity of the infrastructure ensures that your digital assets are housed within a fortress, far from the reach of potential adversaries.

Why SentinelOne?

SentinelOne Singularity Cloud is a secure, cloud-native, and DevOps-friendly deployment platform with auto-scaling capabilities. It ensures that workflows and applications fit into your existing infrastructure without rearchitecting them. Singularity Cloud secures workloads, including cloud data in Amazon S3 in real-time, at runtime, and also Amazon EC2.

It features flexible API-driven integrations with AWS security services such as Amazon Inspector and AWS Security Hub. Singularity Cloud prioritizes alerts across the entire AWS infrastructure and consolidates the visibility of vulnerabilities in real time. It offers malware scanning for Amazon S3, Netapp, and enhances resilience with integrations linked to AWS Backup and Elastic Disaster Recovery. Singularity Cloud defends against ransomware, zero-day exploits, crypto mining, memory injection attacks, and much more. 

It features broad OS support including 13 Linux distributions, including Amazon Linux 2022, 20 years of Windows Server, and support for the popular container runtimes Docker, container, and cri-o. It also provides forensic visibility, Storyline™ auto-correlating, enrichment, and attack visualization capabilities.

Users can leverage the benefits of the world’s most advanced autonomous and AI-driven cyber security on the cloud with SentinelOne Singularity Cloud.


As you venture into the realm of AWS Cloud Security, a thorough discovery and cataloging of your assets serve as the starting point. With your assets identified, vulnerability risk management is next. Running regular scans, constant monitoring, and updating patches and configurations frequently are critically important.

Your AWS Cloud Security should evolve, assess, and secure web apps, network security, and your cloud infrastructure, in accordance with the growing threat landscape. 

Your cyber adversaries won’t wait around which is why it’s critical to act first. Exposed sensitive data can be weaponized by threat actors and SentinelOne’s real-time workload defense protection can safeguard enterprises from this. SentinelOne can be auto-deployed as a DaemonSet and is built on the eBPF framework.

By integrating it, you can proactively counter threats, thereby enabling your organization to operate with confidence in the complex landscape of cloud security. Gear up your cloud security with SentinelOne and fortify your AWS environment against evolving cyber threats. Take the first step towards a secure future with SentinelOne today.

Your Cloud Security—Fully Assessed in 30 Minutes.

Meet with a SentinelOne expert to evaluate your cloud security posture across multi-cloud environments, uncover cloud assets, misconfigurations, secret scanning, and prioritize risks with Verified Exploit Paths.