AWS Security Assessment: Essential Steps for Cloud Security

Learn how to assess your AWS infrastructure for security loopholes, understand the different components of AWS security assessments., and explore the best practices to secure for securing your cloud environment.
By SentinelOne September 19, 2024

Cloud providers and users share the responsibility of securing a cloud environment and the resources hosted on it. While the cloud providers are liable to retain the liability for securing data centers, network infrastructures, and the host operating systems – the users are in charge of the cloud environment, the user is in charge of securing their hosted data, applications, and other resources uploaded or shared across cloud environments. Hence, the user must take care of data encryption, access controls, and cloud resource configuration, and put adequate security checks in place. This necessitates a robust AWS security assessment strategy for businesses that use Amazon Web Services.

In this article, we’ll discuss AWS security assessment – its key components, and their importance in an AWS cloud security strategy. Then we’ll provide a step-by-step overview coverage of the security assessment process for AWS and finally, discuss how a robust cloud security platform can help organizations ensure AWS security.

What is an AWS Security Assessment?

AWS security assessment refers to a meticulous scrutiny of an organization’s security posture within the AWS cloud environment. The various components of AWS security assessment include continuous vulnerability scanning, testing access controls, identifying and correcting misconfigurations, and penetration testing security measures. The goal of an AWS cloud security assessment is to identify security weaknesses and guide organizations toward an improved AWS cloud security posture.

What is the Need for AWS Security Assessment?

The AWS cloud is an interconnected ecosystem comprising various types of resources. Security weaknesses can creep into any resource type, hence, it is important to secure all of them with the necessary measures.

For instance, Lambda functions need strict input validation and strong identity and access management roles to prevent injection attacks. Similarly, storage resources like S3 buckets need advanced encryption to protect sensitive data. Any security weakness across AWS resources, be it an unpatched EC2 instance or a relational database instance with broken access controls, allows malicious actors to mount an attack. They can exploit the vulnerabilities, intrude into your AWS cloud environment, steal and expose data, cause service downtime, etc. A successful attack, in turn, may lead to

  • Data loss and identity theft
  • Service interruption and system downtime
  • Financial loss through ransomware and legal penalties
  • Loss of business, reputation, and trust.

Regular security assessment for AWS can help you deter both external bad actors and insider threats by detecting vulnerabilities early, prioritizing them based on criticality, and mitigating them before they are exploited.

Even in the event of a breach, regular security assessments help you be on the right side of compliance regulations like GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI DSS, depending upon the industry you are in.

AWS Security Assessment Core Components

As we mentioned earlier, the AWS cloud environment is an ecosystem with many interconnected resources creating diverse security requirements. A holistic AWS security assessment framework touches upon all these different security requirements.

Identity and Access Management (IAM) Assessment

  • User and group management: IAM ensures the appropriate assignment of permissions and roles to users and groups. A security assessment must check the effectiveness of the IAM system and policies.
  • Multi-factor authentication (MFA): Multi-factor authentication for all storage instances is essential for securing PII and other sensitive information. Evaluating the use of MFA is an important part of a security assessment.

Network Security Assessment

  • Security group analysis: It’s important to evaluate security group configuration to ensure they are restricting inbound and outbound traffic methodically.
  • VPN configuration review: The configuration of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) must be assessed to secure communication between on-premises and cloud environments.
  • Network traffic analysis: Continuous network traffic monitoring is necessary to detect anomalies and suspicious behavior.

Data Security Assessment

  • Encryption: The use of adequate encryption must be ensured to protect sensitive data at rest and in transit.
  • Data classification: Data classification ensures that appropriate security measures are applied to different data types. These measures must be tested periodically.
  • Data Loss Prevention (DLP): Monitoring the effectiveness of DLP tools is crucial for preventing unauthorized data exfiltration.

Application Security Assessment

  • Vulnerability scanning: Identifying and prioritizing vulnerabilities in applications hosted on the AWS cloud is an important part of the security assessment program. It can be done with the help of automated vulnerability scanning and penetration testing.
  • Web Application Firewall (WAF) configuration: The rules and policies around firewalls must be checked periodically. Developers and testers often disable firewalls during the development stage; it has to be made sure that the firewalls are turned back on or reconfigured.

Infrastructure Security Assessment

  • Patch management: It’s important to ensure that all systems are up-to-date including the third-party software components used in the cloud-hosted applications.
  • Configuration management: A security assessment looks for misconfigured AWS resources and helps an organization address them before they cause a security incident.

Compliance Assessment

  • Regulatory compliance: A critical part of AWS security assessments is evaluating the audit readiness of an organization’s cloud-hosted operations. It assesses compliance with relevant industry standards and regulations like CCPA, GDPR, HIPAA, etc.
  • Audit trails: Part of compliance assessment is evaluating the organization’s audit trails to track changes to AWS resources and identify unauthorized activity.
  • Incident response planning: Compliance also depends on a company’s preparedness to respond to adverse security incidents. A security assessment evaluates the incident response processes put in place.

The Steps for AWS Security Assessment

In this section, we will highlight 10 crucial steps for an AWS security risk assessment. The goal here is to provide a foundation for your AWS security assessment strategy – this could also work as an AWS security assessment checklist for your organization.

Step 1: Determine the Scope and Objective of the Assessment

Determining the scope is generally the first step for almost any security assessment; no exceptions here. This is simply defining the areas and resources you want to cover during the assessment.

  • Determining business objectives: Identify the resources and applications that are mission-critical for business operations.
  • Prioritization: Prioritize areas based on potential risks, exploitability, and potential impact.

Step 2: Inventory AWS Resources

It is important to have a clear view of all the resources you are dealing with. Not only does this ensure coverage of all critical areas, but also helps organizations conduct well-targeted security assessments.

  • Make a list of all AWS services in use, including EC2 instances, S3 buckets, VPCs, IAM roles, databases, etc.
  • Classify the data based on its sensitivity.

Step 3: Review Configuration Settings

This step involves assessing the configurations of various AWS resources to look for security weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Some key actions within this step are as follows.

  • Check security groups: Security groups should allow necessary traffic only.
  • Inspect IAM roles and policies: Users and resources should have permissions based on need.
  • Audit S3 bucket settings: S3 buckets should be encrypted and protected with access controls.
  • Review VPC configuration: Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) should be securely configured with private subnets and a NAT (Network Address Translation) gateway.

Step 4: Assess CloudTrail Logs and Insights

CloudTrail is a crucial AWS service that logs API calls made to your AWS account. CloudTrail has features like Logs and Insights that can play an important role in the security assessment of AWS environments.

  • Check CloudTrail event filters: Event filters can be used to filter logs to narrow down your search for anomalous activity. Check if the right filters are in place.
  • Use CloudTrail Insights: Use CloudTrail insights to analyze the logs and identify potential threats.
  • Integrate CloudTrail with security systems: Log data from CloudTrail can be used to raise alerts about anomalies through a SIEM system.

Step 5. Assess Access Controls

Access controls regulate which individuals or groups can access cloud resources and perform actions on them. Strict role-based, attribute-based, and mandatory access controls are essential for maintaining a strong AWS security posture.

  • Check IAM permissions: The identity and access management configurations must be tested to ensure that permissions are granted appropriately adhering to the principle of least privilege and depending on user levels.
  • Multi-factor authentication: Ensure that all users and groups require MFA to access AWS resources.

Step 6: Fortify Threat Defense

AWS offers various threat detection and prevention tools that need to be periodically assessed for availability, effectiveness, and configuration errors.

  • You can prevent DDoS attacks using AWS Shield.
  • AWS GuardDuty can continuously monitor your AWS environment for suspicious activity.
  • Intrusion Detection Systems can be deployed to detect and respond to potential attacks.

A security assessment checks the effectiveness of all these tools and processes.

Step 7: Assess the Incident Response Plan

A robust incident response plan helps your team act rationally and in the company’s best interest during a breach. Specific roles, responsibilities, and action items must be delegated to employees along with detailed roadmaps.

  • You need regular incident response drills to evaluate your teams’ preparedness under duress and ensure an effective and well-regulated response.
  • It is also important to ensure that your incident response strategy evolves with your cloud environment, accounting for changing resources and new best practices.

Step 8: Address Insider Threats

Insider threats can take the form of misuse or abuse of privileged access. Misuse is a case of involuntary error that leaves the organization vulnerable to threats, and abuse is a case of malicious action by someone with legitimate access.

  • A security assessment checks the tools and measures put in place for detecting signs of insider threats such as unusual usage patterns and suspicious behavior.
  • Employee training can play a vital role in reducing cases of misuse or inadvertent threats.
  • The establishment of the least privilege principle is essential in this respect.

Step 9: Leverage AWS Inspector

AWS Inspector is an automated security testing tool that you can use to detect vulnerabilities and misconfigurations in certain AWS resources.

  • AWS Inspector can scan your EC2 instances for common vulnerabilities based on the CVE database.
  • It can identify misconfigurations such as open ports or weak security group rules.
  • It integrates with other AWS security services like GuardDuty, and CloudTrail.

Step 10: Conduct Penetration Testing

Penetration testing is the process of using hacker-like techniques to find and exploit vulnerabilities. The goal is to assess the security posture of an application or an environment and generate deep insights about it.

  • You can hire a penetration testing firm to simulate attacks on your AWS environment and cloud-hosted applications.
  • This allows you to test various attack vectors and find business logic errors that might be missed in a vulnerability scan.
  • Use the insights drawn from the penetration testing report to remediate vulnerabilities and enhance your security.

The reports from an AWS security assessment work like a prescription that gives your security team and development teams clear guidelines and a roadmap for a more secure AWS environment.

Secure AWS Environment with SentinelOne

SentinelOne is a strategic member of the Amazon Partner Network. That means SentinelOne offers a robust suite of solutions that can complement the native AWS security assessment tools and help AWS customers secure their environments from various threats.

With multi-cloud and hybrid environments becoming an intentional and strategic choice for most companies, getting fast threat detection with a holistic view of their environment becomes essential. SentinelOne’s proprietary AI and threat intelligence engines take AWS security beyond the signature-based approach and help businesses achieve machine-speed response against machine-speed threats.

Benefits of Using SentinelOne for AWS Security

  1. Real-time threat detection and response: Powered by Purple-AI and the Singularity™ Data Lake, SentinelOne provides real-time threat detection and response capabilities within your AWS environment. It enables you to identify and neutralize threats like ransomware, zero-day exploits, and crypto miners, that might evade the signature-based security options provided by AWS.
  2. Advanced threat hunting and integration with AWS services: With petabyte-scale storage for efficient search, and investigation, the Singularity™ Data Lake streamlines threat hunting like never before. SentinelOne’s seamless integration of AWS services like CloudTrail and GuardDuty further empowers threat detection and response capabilities.
  3. Scalability and performance: SentinelOne’s eBPF agent architecture ensures scalability with incremental CPU and memory. It performs seamlessly even in large-scale AWS environments. Most importantly, the flexibility allows you to increase your number of workloads, and attack surfaces, without worrying about the efficiency of the security system.
  4. Security for AWS cloud workloads: SentinelOne protects cloud workloads providing centralized visibility and control over your AWS resources. It also protects your S3 buckets and NetApp. SentinelOne’s Cloud Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP) and Cloud Workload Security programs integrate smoothly with AWS services. Overall, SentinelOne helps you uphold your end of the shared responsibility model for cloud security with confidence and absolute reliance.


AWS helps your organization grow rapidly with ready-to-use storage, computing, and database resources, and at the same time, it helps you protect your resources with various security tools. But considering the velocity and variety of your operations, native security might not be enough, and bad actors may find an opportunity to intrude. RansomwareRIn fact, ransomware gangs are increasingly focusing their attacks on cloud-based collaboration platforms. At such a juncture, granular AWS security assessments combined with a comprehensive wholesome, AI-powered security tool can make a big difference considering the current landscape. Go a long way.


1. What is AWS cloud security assessment?

AWS cloud security assessment is a thorough evaluation of your AWS environment. It identifies potential vulnerabilities and helps you fix security issues and maintain compliance with industry standards.

2. How secure is AWS?

In general, AWS is considered a highly secure cloud platform. The security, however, depends on the quality of configurations and management. While AWS does provide security features and controls, it’s through the implementation of best practices and the conduction of regular assessments that you can secure your specific environment.

3. What is the purpose of a cloud assessment?

Cloud assessments have some clear goals as follows:

  • Identify potential weaknesses in your cloud infrastructure.
  • Verify that your AWS environment complies with industry regulations.
  • Recommend measures for improving your security practices.
  • Showcase initiative in terms of protecting data and systems.
  • Reduce the risk of data breaches, unauthorized access, and other security incidents.

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