Top 20 CI/CD Security Best Practices for Businesses

Explore 20 essential CI/CD security best practices to safeguard your pipeline. This comprehensive guide includes code security, access control, and ransomware prevention techniques for businesses.
By SentinelOne October 24, 2024

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) enables organizations to rapidly develop and deploy applications. In fact, 83% of developers report being involved in DevOps-related activities, highlighting the widespread integration of these practices in software development. However, this speed of adoption also brings certain risks that must not be taken for granted. CI/CD pipeline is a suite of processes for automating software development, testing, and deployment, which can be compromised by ransomware and other critical data cyber threats, from which operations can then be slowed down. To counter this, CI/CD security best practices combine proactive, robust security protocols throughout each stage to enhance vulnerability detection and mitigation.

CI/CD security can be termed as the adoption of security protocols in the CI/CD pipeline, mainly against unauthorized access to data or any other critical information and against cyber threats. Traditionally, security used to be an afterthought within development cycles, but in DevSecOps, security is weaved throughout every step, right from code development to deployment. This way, it ensures that vulnerabilities are caught in advance, risks are reduced, and all critical assets are safeguarded throughout the software development life cycle.

In this article, we will understand what is CI CD security and then learn the top 20 CI CD security best practices that businesses can follow to achieve modern DevOps security. We will also briefly discuss how SentinelOne enhances CI/CD security and answer some frequently asked questions relating to CI/CD security.

What is CI/CD Security?

CI/CD Security refers to integrating security checks and protocols into the CI/CD pipeline. Traditional CI/CD processes are centered around speed in development. However, effectively integrating security at every stage of the process ensures minimal risks in continuous deployment. Effective CI CD security ought to focus on all different kinds of known weaknesses.

For instance, badly configured access controls and sensitive information that developers accidentally leak should be brought directly into the development workflow. Organizations can avoid issues that may otherwise be used against them when security is at the forefront. A study by Forrester found that 57% of organizations confirm they have experienced a security incident related to exposed secrets due to insecure DevOps processes in the last two years.

20 CI/CD Security Best Practices

Securing the CI/CD pipeline is important to ensure the entire software development process is protected from cyber-attacks. The CI/CD security best practices protect sensitive information and reduce vulnerabilities that could be utilized by attacks. This section examines 20 key ci cd pipeline security best practices that strengthen security in every pipeline stage for maintaining integrity from code development through deployment. With the integration of these strategies, an organization will assuredly have a secure and efficient pipeline that keeps productivity at its best while the security of the organization remains at the fore.

  1. Apply secure coding practices: Secure coding standards must be established to avoid vulnerabilities like SQL injection or XSS (cross-site scripting). These guidelines should be documented and made available for developers to refer to. Most importantly, regular training in secure coding best practices can enable developers to create robust code, hence diminishing the chances of a security breach. You will be able to ensure a security-first mindset where, right from the start of development, risks are reduced, and responsibility arises in the culture.
  2. Role-Based Access Control: RBAC restricts access based on job roles and ensures that only authorized personnel can access specific parts of the pipeline. This reduces sensitive information exposure and limits the attack surface to a great extent. For instance, developers can have access to code repositories, while operations teams are responsible for deployment. Rigorous implementation of RBAC also aligns the permissions according to the job role, in addition to performing regular reviews of access rights with changing job responsibilities and organizational evolution.
  3. Integrate Static Application Security Testing (SAST): SAST tools find vulnerabilities within code before its execution, pointing to problems early in the development cycle. By automating these scanning tests in the CI/CD pipeline, SAST prevents security flaws from making their way into production environments. Regular scans pinpoint vulnerabilities that might go unnoticed and assure “agile speed” with resolution while strengthening proactive security postures. Integrating SAST into pull request workflows ensures the review of every pull request for security issues before it merges into main branches.
  4. Utilize Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST): Unlike SAST, DAST tests running applications for runtime vulnerabilities by simulating real-world attacks to detect possible security weaknesses. DAST tools are very effective at identifying authentication flaws or other misconfigurations in live applications. With DAST integrated into the CI/CD pipeline, deployed applications can be continuously monitored and tested for any issues arising at runtime, helping to mitigate runtime vulnerabilities and improve overall application security.
  5. Secure Secrets Management: Sensitive information, like API keys and passwords, must not reside within the code but in a secure secrets management facility. Hardcoding secrets open pathways for unauthorized access and data leaks that can compromise system integrity. Using secret storage solutions securely minimizes exposure by ensuring sensitive data is accessible only to authorized entities via robust encryption, thus fortifying the pipeline against potential attacks.
  6. Implement Configuration Management: Configuration management utilities maintain secure settings across development to production environments. Since misconfiguration is one of the top attack vectors that cyber attackers look for, these tools allow systems like Ansible or Puppet to use automated secure configurations while version-controlling their configuration files. All settings thereby follow defined security standards and avoid many risks associated with manual configuration of settings.
  7. Continuous Monitoring and Logging: Implementing visibility into pipeline activities through monitoring and logging helps detect and react to anomalies the moment they occur. The introduction of robust logging capabilities makes unauthorized changes or suspicious activities easier to track in cases of potential breaches or compliance violations. It allows teams to set up alerts for key events or thresholds so that they can quickly act in the event of security incidents and further improve general resilience at the pipeline level against threats.
  8. Enforce Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): MFA adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to validate their identity through multiple authentication methods to access critical systems or data. This greatly reduces the possibility of unauthorized access, even in circumstances where credentials have been compromised through phishing or other means. Adding MFA to the CI/CD system ensures that only verified users gain access to sensitive parts of the pipeline, therefore strengthening the barriers against unauthorized logins and enhancing the overall security posture.
  9. Keep Systems Patched and Up-to-Date: Keeping systems up-to-date is critical for maintaining security, as attackers usually exploit outdated software vulnerabilities. Regular patches prevent known exploits from affecting the pipeline by addressing vulnerabilities before they can be exploited in production. Automated patch management solutions help ensure your CI/CD tools remain current with security updates and fixes, defending against potential attacks caused by unpatched vulnerabilities.
  10. Take advantage of secure container images: For pipelines utilizing containers, it’s essential to use images that can be assured of security through regular scanning for vulnerabilities before deployment. Containers are easy to use and, therefore, are very popular, but having insecure images opens up significant risks if they become compromised. Enforcing strict policies about image sources, coupled with regular vulnerability assessments, improves the overall security posture of containers by reducing the risks of running untrusted or outdated images.
  11. Limit Integrations with Third-Party Services: While integrations with third-party tools improve functionality within CI/CD pipelines, they can also extensively increase the attack surface if left unmanaged. These integrations should be audited and restricted to what is necessary and given minimal required privileges. It is recommended that such integrations are audited, along with their permissions, on a recurring basis. This helps secure the CI/CD pipeline from risks coming from external services by ensuring that only essential software has access to sensitive data and critical processes.
  12. Zero-Trust Model: Zero trust means implementing strict verification of identities for every access request from internal or external sources. This approach reduces risks related to implicit trust assumptions. The model enforces authentication for every access attempt, improving security within CI/CD by detecting unauthorized attempts to access and minimizing lateral movement within the pipeline environment in case of a potential breach.
  13. Secure Artifact Repositories: Artifact repositories’ integrity must be protected through controls such as checksum verification to ensure tamper evidence throughout the software supply chain process. Thorough malware scanning of artifacts should be performed before deployment, and integrity checks confirm that artifacts have not changed since the build process. Organizations can maintain control of all production environment components by effectively protecting artifact repositories, thus reducing risks associated with malicious code injection.
  14. Train your development team about security: Developing a culture of security awareness regarding emerging threats and best practices in cybersecurity is essential through continuous training for developers. Training should cover secure coding practices, threat modeling, vulnerability assessment, and incident response—all fine-tuned to suit your organization’s needs. An aware team naturally integrates security into daily work routines to reduce overall vulnerabilities within the development lifecycle.
  15. Incident Response Plan: An incident response plan should describe clear steps for responding to security breaches within the CI/CD pipeline framework. Frequent testing via simulation ensures that your team knows how to operate under pressure and mitigate damage during unexpected incidents. The incident response plan should guide organizations through attack management with minimal disruption to active development.
  16. DevSecOps Principles: The integration of DevSecOps into the CI/CD pipeline emphasizes that security is not solely the responsibility of development, security, or operations groups—it is everyone’s concern. Development teams should work collaboratively to identify vulnerabilities as quickly as possible rather than treating security as an afterthought. Practices such as threat modeling, code provenance, and software composition analysis embedded within CI/CD processes contribute to an enhanced security posture and reduced vulnerability exposure in production.
  17. Threat Modeling: Threat modeling is a proactive process of identifying potential threats and vulnerabilities in your CI/CD pipeline before they can be exploited. This continuous process involves evaluating the architecture and design of both software and pipeline, enabling teams to highlight weaknesses in data flow, access control, and integration points. The process allows organizations to implement necessary preventive measures and appropriate security controls that help mitigate identified risks effectively for a more resilient development environment.
  18. Installation of Security Gates Along the Pipeline: Security gates serve as checkpoints along the CI/CD pipeline, where code must meet specific security criteria to proceed to the next stage. Automating security testing at these gates enables organizations to verify compliance with security policies and standards. For example, gates will prevent the deployment of code changes that have vulnerabilities identified in the Static or Dynamic Analysis phase. This approach fosters accountability among developers and ensures that only secure code reaches production.
  19. Automate Compliance Checks: Automation of compliance checks within CI/CD ensures that every aspect of an application complies with industry regulations and internal policies. Organizations can achieve significant reductions in human error and gains in efficiency using automated tools to check compliance against predefined benchmarks or standards. This not only streamlines the path to compliance but also provides continued visibility into application security postures across their lifecycle and allows quick remediation of any compliance issues that arise.
  20. Configuration Management Security: Proper configuration management is crucial for CI/CD pipeline security. It includes securing individual components such as SCM systems and automation servers. Additionally, it involves maintaining configuration consistency across all environments: development, staging, and production. Implementation of configuration policy enforcement tools and periodic auditing of settings prevents misconfiguration vulnerabilities. Teams can also deploy Infrastructure-as-Code practices, enabling them to version-control configurations and apply them consistently across environments to further enhance application security.

CI/CD Pipeline Security Using SentinelOne

The SentinelOne Singularity™ platform to secure the CI/CD pipeline provides advanced capabilities for threat detection and response within the development lifecycle process. Integrating the platform into your continuous integration and continuous deployment environment strengthens pipeline security at each level, from code analysis to runtime monitoring. Here are four key features that make SentinelOne an ideal choice for securing CI/CD pipelines:

  1. Real-Time Threat Detection and Response: With SentinelOne’s AI-powered detection capabilities, CI/CD pipelines are continuously monitored for emerging threats. By applying both Static and Dynamic AI to source code and runtime environments, it delivers automated responses against identified risks. Real-time monitoring reduces the threat of late detection, allowing immediate action to protect critical systems. Autonomous response capabilities within the platform quarantine, remediate, and roll back threats to ensure rapid mitigation without manual intervention.
  2. Complete Container Security: CI/CD pipelines increasingly incorporate containerized environments that bring unique security challenges. SentinelOne’s Singularity™ Cloud Security extends protection to containers themselves, hardening workloads by scanning container images for vulnerabilities prior to deployment. Beyond this, the platform continuously monitors container activities to detect unauthorized actions or potential threats in real-time. This feature is crucial for DevOps teams that need to maintain container integrity and reduce risks in containerized applications.
  3. Automation of Compliance and Policy Enforcement: Compliance requirements affect businesses in every industry. SentinelOne facilitates automated policy enforcement in CI/CD environments, ensuring all pipeline activities comply with predefined security standards. The platform enables organizations to define security policies that are applied consistently across all CI/CD processes. Compliance analysis tools within the platform also simplify audit preparation through comprehensive reporting that demonstrates adherence to security requirements.
  4. Flexibility in Integration and Scaling: SentinelOne integrates smoothly with popular tools and CI/CD platforms to support diverse development environments. Its flexible architecture scales with organizational needs, from small teams to large enterprise operations. SentinelOne seamlessly integrates with other DevSecOps tools, making it adaptable enough to fit into existing workflows without disrupting development processes.


In this article, we learned how crucial it is to implement security properly within your CI/CD pipeline. Enabling these 20 CI/CD security best practices allows organizations to maintain secure development environments, reduce vulnerabilities, and deliver flaw-free software with integrity. This ranges from role-based access controls to continuous threat monitoring. Each best practice helps organizations build stronger CI/CD pipelines that meet today’s security needs.

In an industry where cyber threats evolve daily, organizations that prioritize security can better defend themselves from potential attacks and reduce overall risk. SentinelOne offers comprehensive capabilities needed to handle all aspects of securing the CI/CD pipeline, including real-time threat detection and response, container security, and much more. So, contact us today, and let’s take the first step toward implementing these CI/CD security best practices in your business processes.


1. What is a CI/CD Pipeline?

The continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) pipeline is a series of automated steps that take code from development through deployment. Starting with code integration, testing, and deployment, a CI/CD pipeline empowers teams to release compact and fast updates. Automation minimizes the need for human intervention and speeds up the delivery of software applications, making it increasingly indispensable in modern DevOps.

2. Why do we need CI/CD Pipeline Security?

CI/CD pipeline security ensures that throughout the development process, unauthorized access, data breaches, and vulnerabilities are prevented. Security-related threats can compromise code integrity and cause costly disruptions. CI/CD pipeline security best practices measures such as access control and threat detection help organizations protect their overall CI/CD pipeline, ensuring that only trusted code moves to production.

3. What are CI/CD Security Best Practices?

CI/CD Security best practices include implementing secure coding standards, access controls, and regular vulnerability testing. Practices such as continuous monitoring, secrets management, and zero-trust model enforcement provide additional pipeline protection. These measures collectively reduce cyber-attack risks and establish a secure, reliable development process.

4. Why SentinelOne for CI/CD Pipeline Security?

SentinelOne Singularity™ platform provides comprehensive security for CI/CD pipelines, including real-time threat detection, container security, and automated compliance policies. Furthermore, the AI-driven Vulnerability Management Platform enables early detection of vulnerabilities and automated responses that significantly reduce breach risks and other security concerns. It integrates effectively with various DevOps tools, making it adaptable for securing most development environments.

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