What Is Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Security?

IaC security is vital for safeguarding cloud environments. It integrates security measures into provisioning processes, preventing vulnerabilities from becoming significant threats.
By SentinelOne October 14, 2024

According to a MarketsandMarkets report, the global Infrastructure as Code (IaC) market was worth $0.8 billion in 2022 and is expected to grow to $2.3 billion by 2027. This represents an annual growth rate of 24.0% during this period. While the benefits of IaC are evident, the security implications are frequently neglected. As organizations depend more on automated processes, robust IaC cybersecurity is crucial. IaC simplifies compliance and auditing and allows for the integration of strong security policies directly into the infrastructure. In this article, you will learn what IaC security is, why it is important, the risks involved, and IaC security best practices for keeping your infrastructure safe.

What is Infrastructure as Code (IaC)?

IaC is the process of managing and setting up computing resources using configuration file formats like YAML (YAML Ain’t Markup Language), JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), or HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language) that machines can read instead of doing it manually.

IaC allows you to automate the setup, scaling, and management of things like servers, databases, and networks by writing code.

This approach ensures that your environments are consistent, scalable, and easy to replicate across different systems. Instead of relying on manual setups or scripts, IaC uses declarative models (specifying the desired end state) or imperative models (defining specific steps to reach the desired state) that can be tracked and versioned, just like application code.

Popular IaC tools like AWS CloudFormation, Terraform, and Ansible enable teams to define, monitor, and modify their infrastructure using code. This approach not only provides version control and tracking capabilities but also significantly reduces the risk of human error associated with manual configurations.

Why is IaC Security Important?

If your IaC configurations have any cybersecurity issues, hackers could easily exploit misconfigured cloud services, unsecured APIs, or open ports.

For instance, misconfigured S3 bucket permissions in AWS CloudFormation templates can lead to unintended public access to sensitive data. Similarly, hardcoded credentials in Terraform scripts pose significant security risks if the code repository is compromised. This can lead to serious problems like data leaks or service interruptions.

That’s why IaC security is so important in today’s cloud environments. It integrates security controls directly into the definition of infrastructure. This can include automated compliance checks against CIS benchmarks or NIST guidelines during the CI/CD pipeline execution. You can catch and fix security risks early in the development stage, which helps keep potential threats from reaching production.

Another critical aspect of IaC security is its ability to apply security policies and configurations across different environments consistently. This consistency helps reduce the chances of human error.

Benefits of IaC

IaC lets developers deploy resources faster, build scalable and repeatable infrastructure, and automate configurations to save time and resources. Here are some advantages conferred by IaC in detail:

#1. Consistency and Standardization

IaC ensures that every environment (such as development, testing, and production) is set up the same way using scripts. It prevents differences between environments, reducing the risk of issues when moving from development to production. For instance, using Terraform modules, teams can define standardized configurations for network security groups across all environments, ensuring consistent security policies.

This uniformity minimizes discrepancies between development, testing, and production environments, effectively lowering the risk of misconfigurations that could lead to vulnerabilities.

#2. Version Control and Auditing

IaC works well with tools like Git, Mercurial, and Apache Subversion (SVN), allowing teams to track changes to infrastructure just like they do with code and enabling easy tracking of changes over time.

Teams can quickly roll back to a previous version if a deployment introduces issues. It provides an audit trail for compliance and security purposes (like HTTPS, SSH, GDPR, or HIPAA), helping organizations meet regulatory requirements.

Also, multiple team members can work on different aspects of the infrastructure simultaneously without conflicts, enhancing productivity.

#3. Idempotency

Applying the same code multiple times will always produce the same outcome.

Idempotency prevents drift between different environments (like development, testing, and production) because the configuration can be applied repeatedly without introducing inconsistencies.

With idempotent IaC, if the desired state already exists, nothing changes, which reduces the risk of unintended infrastructure modifications.

#4. Disaster Recovery and Backup

IaC allows you to store your entire infrastructure setup in code. In case of a failure, you can quickly restore everything by running the scripts again, making recovery faster and easier. IaC streamlines multi-region deployments by automating infrastructure management. This enables organizations to replicate resources across geographic locations, ensuring high availability quickly.

IaC allows for rapid redeployment and consistent configurations in disaster recovery scenarios, minimizing downtime.

#5. Reduced Risk of Human Error

Automation of infrastructure setup through code significantly reduces the probability of human error. Consistent execution of defined processes results in fewer misconfigurations and increased infrastructure stability.  For instance, you can use tools like Terraform to define cloud resources in code and apply the same configurations across multiple environments, ensuring consistent deployment. This approach reduces the chances of accidental mistakes that often occur with manual processes. This leads to reliable infrastructure management.

#6. Enhanced Security and Compliance

Security rules and compliance checks can be built into IaC scripts, ensuring that all infrastructure follows best practices. Automated testing can verify security before changes are made. For instance, AWS CloudFormation templates can include AWS Config rules to assess resource configurations against security best practices continuously.

What are Some IaC Security Risks?

Even though IaC provides numerous advantages, it can also introduce cybersecurity risks if not managed effectively.

Let’s break down some of the common concerns:

  • Insecure storage and transmission of secrets: Sometimes, hard-coded secrets like API keys and passwords are embedded in IaC templates. If those secrets get exposed, attackers could gain unauthorized access to important systems.
  • Compliance violations: IaC can also unintentionally cause compliance headaches. If templates don’t follow regulatory requirements such as (GDPR, HIPAA, PCI-DSS), or organizational policies, misconfigured resources might not meet compliance standards. This could lead to legal troubles or financial penalties. For example, less serious violations could result in a fine of up to €10 million or 2% of the company’s total annual revenue from the previous year, whichever is higher.
  • Configuration drift: Over time, configurations can drift away from their original state due to manual changes or updates that aren’t reflected in the IaC templates. This drift can create hard-to-track vulnerabilities. For instance, unauthorized applications and devices used within an organization can introduce significant security risks as they often bypass standard security protocols and may not be monitored for vulnerabilities.
  • Broad attack surface: Automation, particularly via IaC, inherently expands the attack surface by enabling a single vulnerability to compromise multiple resources simultaneously.

This broad attack surface necessitates the implementation of stringent security controls throughout all phases of development and deployment.

How Does IaC Security Work?

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) security involves keeping your cloud infrastructure safe while managing it through code.

Here’s how it operates:

1) Automated IaC scanning: IaC security tools automatically scan your code for issues such as:

  • Insecure access control settings
  • Misconfigured cloud services that could expose sensitive data
  • Accounts with excessive permissions that violate the principle of least privilege

We have static code analysis is a form of automated scanning specifically focused on analyzing code without executing it. It analyzes your IaC scripts for vulnerabilities based on known security policies and best practices, helping ensure your configurations are safe before they’re applied.

2) Integration into development workflows: Security checks are built right into the software development process. By “shifting left” (integrating security checks early in development), developers can spot and fix security problems early on before the code goes live.

3) Policy enforcement: You can set up a central policy engine that checks your IaC templates based on NIST guidelines or company-specific security standards. This will automatically flag or prevent deployments that do not comply.

4) Continuous monitoring: Once deployed, monitoring tools continuously assess any changes to your infrastructure. They detect “configuration drift” or deviations from the original setup, which helps you maintain security and compliance over time.

Infrastructure as Code Security Tools

Here’s a summary of the tools used for managing and securing IaC deployments:

  1. TFSec: A lightweight static analysis tool specifically for Terraform code. It identifies security issues like overly permissive IAM policies, insecure resource configurations, and sensitive data exposures.It uses a set of predefined rules mapped to compliance frameworks like CIS and HIPAA to evaluate Terraform code against security best practices.
  2. Jit: It provides a DevSecOps platform that seamlessly integrates with a variety of security scanning tools, including Keeping Infrastructure as Code Secure (KICS). It features auto-remediation capabilities and delivers actionable insights for over 200 Infrastructures as Code (IaC) misconfigurations. This enables teams to proactively address vulnerabilities, ensuring secure and efficient software development throughout the lifecycle.
  3. Checkov: An open-source static analysis tool supporting various IaC languages, including Terraform, AWS CloudFormation, Kubernetes YAML, and ARM templates. It scans code for security and compliance issues and offers actionable remediation insights. Checkov can be integrated into CI/CD pipelines and offers plugins for popular IDEs, enabling real-time security feedback during development.
  4. Prowler: It is designed for comprehensive assessments across major cloud platforms, including AWS, Azure, and GCP. It evaluates security configurations based on established frameworks such as CIS and NIST, covering hundreds of controls. Also, the tool supports incident response, continuous monitoring, and compliance validation. This helps organizations identify vulnerabilities and enhance their cloud security posture.
  5. Conftest: An open-source tool for writing tests against structured configuration data, supporting formats like Terraform, Kubernetes YAML, and JSON. It helps enforce security policies and best practices across IaC files. For instance, teams can use Conftest to create custom policies that prevent the deployment of public S3 buckets or enforce tagging standards across all resources.

Best Practices for IaC Security

To maximize the security benefits of IaC, it is important to integrate security into every stage of the development process. Here are some best practices to help you keep your IaC secure:

#1. Use static and dynamic analysis tools

Make sure to integrate static analysis tools like Checkmarx SAST, Coverity, or SonarQube into your CI/CD pipeline. This way, you can catch misconfigurations and vulnerabilities early in the development process.

After deployment, do not forget to use dynamic testing tools like Appium

or Selenium to check how everything behaves in real-time and ensure it aligns with your security policies.

#2. Use Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

RBAC ensures that only the right people can make changes to your infrastructure. By implementing least-privilege access, you boost security even further by giving team members only the access they truly need. For instance, a developer may only need access to deploy applications but not to alter network configurations. Organizations can limit access based on roles, enhancing security and minimizing risks by applying RBAC with the principle of least privilege.

#3. Implement Secrets Management

Avoid hardcoding sensitive information like API keys, passwords, or credentials into your IaC scripts. Instead, use secrets management tools like HashiCorp Vault or AWS Secrets Manager to securely store and access these critical credentials. Many IaC tools offer native integrations with secrets management solutions. For instance, Terraform can dynamically use the Vault provider to fetch secrets during resource provisioning.

#4. Enforce Policies with Code

Take advantage of tools like Open Policy Agent (OPA) to enforce your security policies as code. For instance, OPA integrates seamlessly with Terraform to enforce policies during the planning and application stages. Organizations can evaluate configurations against predefined security policies by embedding OPA within the Terraform workflow. Also, a policy could prevent the creation of publicly accessible S3 buckets or disallow provisioning resources in insecure regions. This proactive approach helps mitigate risks before they reach production.

#5. Regularly Review and Audit Configurations

Make it a habit to regularly review and audit your configurations to ensure they align with your security policies and industry regulations. While automated tools can help, do not overlook the value of manual reviews to catch any potential issues that might slip through the cracks.

How SentinelOne Can Help

Strong security is important at every stage of the infrastructure process. SentinelOne Singularity Cloud adds a crucial security layer to your IaC deployment.

SentinelOne Singularity Cloud is a full cloud-native application protection platform (CNAPP) that protects your entire cloud infrastructure, including resources set up with IaC tools.

CNAPPs can scan IaC templates before deployment to identify potential security flaws. This proactive scanning helps prevent the repeated deployment of misconfigured templates, which could propagate vulnerabilities across multiple instances.

For example, if an IaC template creates an unencrypted S3 bucket, a CNAPP can flag this issue before the resource is provisioned, thereby reducing the risk of data exposure.

It monitors threats in real-time and reacts at lightning speed, whether you are working with servers, virtual machines, or containers across public and private clouds.

Plus, it records kernel-level workload data and sends it to a security data lake, making it easier for you to analyze incidents, respond effectively, and hunt down threats.

This way, you can spot and tackle potential threats before they become big problems. By automating a thorough review of your entire cloud infrastructure from an attacker’s point of view, you can uncover verified exploit paths. You can secure your cloud infrastructure with SentinelOne Singularity Cloud. Choose proactive protection that spots threats before they escalate. Get a tailored demo today.


1. How do you secure an IaC scan for vulnerabilities?

To secure an IaC scan, follow these steps:

  • Use a trusted scanning tool to identify vulnerabilities in your IaC configurations
  • Integrate vulnerability scans into your CI/CD pipeline for continuous security checks on deployments
  • Keep your scanning tools updated to detect the latest vulnerabilities
  • Regularly review scan results and remediate any identified vulnerabilities to ensure a secure environment
  • Establish security policies for managing and addressing vulnerabilities

2. What is an example of IaC?

A common example of IaC is using Terraform to provision cloud infrastructure. With Terraform, you write configuration files that define your infrastructure (e.g., servers, databases, networks), and then Terraform automates the process of creating and managing those resources.

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