What is API Security and Why is it Important?

This comprehensive guide explores API security and why it's crucial for businesses. It also covers API security key threats, popular examples, testing methods, standards, benefits, and best practices.
By SentinelOne October 7, 2024

Application Programming Interfaces, or APIs, are the foundation of modern digital ecosystems, fueling seamless communications between discrete software systems. They enable companies to integrate services and distribute data, extending the reach of functionality across platforms from mobile apps to cloud services. However, as APIs become critical in the functions of the digital world, securing them has become a necessity for businesses. In fact, one recent study shows that 97% of enterprise leaders consider a well-executed API strategy critical in driving their organization’s growth and protecting revenue streams. This, therefore, reflects a rising need for strong API security measures to protect these vital channels of communication.

In this article, we will discover what API security is and why it’s so crucial for businesses to keep it in check. The article also includes an API security assessment, common threats related to API security, and significant security breaches that happened over the years. We’ll also give you some best practices to enhance your organization’s API security posture.

What is API Security?

API security encompasses the measures put in place to counter common invasions and unauthorized threats on Application Programming Interfaces. It involves the access, authentication, and authorization processes of API calls so that only authorized users and applications can interact with your APIs. APIs very often represent sensitive data and critical functionalities, which make them a popular target for attackers. In fact, one report said 91% of organizations had experienced API security incidents in 2020, and urgent measures in API security are needed to avoid unauthorized access and data breaches. Another report estimated that more than 83% of web traffic originates from APIs and becomes an essential part of digital ecosystems. These stats set the stage for why API security is important, so let’s move on to discuss that.

Why is API Security Important?

As opposed to regular web applications, APIs are programmatically accessible, and thus, they are prone to a set of different attacks. Traditional security measures are inadequate, and it is a must for businesses to adopt API security mechanisms and strategies. Better API security ensures integrity for data, customer trust, and compliance with regulatory requirements. According to a report, as many as 40% of all organizations do not have security measures against API security attacks, indicating a mounting need for customized security solutions against the unique vulnerabilities related to APIs. Here are some factors that support the importance of API security:

  1. Protecting Sensitive Data: Since APIs often interact with sensitive information, such as personal data, financial details, and intellectual property, a breach could lead to significant data loss and even have some legal consequences. A reasonably secure API protects valuable information from unauthorized access and possible exploitation. IBM Cost of a Data Breach Report 2024 estimates that a data breach costs an average of $4.88 million, which further reinforces the need for API security for businesses.
  2. Business Continuity: API security breaches disrupt business operations and cause downtime that leads to loss of revenue to the business. Such interruptions are also going to damage customer relationships and productivity. Securing APIs allows the business to maintain continuous services, thereby allowing customer satisfaction in investment and trust in these systems. Proper API security will decrease the chances of service failure, which can lead to disruption of trust and an increase in operational costs.
  3. Compliance and Regulatory Requirements: Almost every type of business is regulated by laws that require leaders to protect customer and business information with specific security measures such as GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI DSS. These regulations demand the implementation of robust security measures for customer and business data protection. Non-compliance can result in huge fines and judicial challenges and impact the company’s brand reputation. Implementing API security best practices assists organizations in meeting such regulatory standards on how data ought to be processed and minimizing the risk of API attacks.
  4. Improvement of Reputation and Trust: A good security posture satisfies an organization’s commitment to protecting customers and partners from cyber threats. Continuous and robust API security demonstrates the priority towards the safety of digital assets and customer data. This commitment toward security posture enhances not only the company’s reputation but also fosters long-term trust among stakeholders, clients, and the wider market that improves customer loyalty and competitiveness within the market.

How is API Security Different from General Application Security?

While the aim of both API security and general application security is to protect digital assets, the focus of the two is different and, therefore, requires different approaches. These differences must be clearly understood to allow appropriate measures of security to be taken for each domain.

So, below, we will understand the differences with the help of a comparison table and further discuss what we learned from this comparison:

Aspect API Security Application Security
Focus Protecting APIs and the data they expose Securing entire applications, including UI and backend systems
Data Exposure Direct exposure of endpoints and data structures Data is typically accessed through user interfaces
Authentication Often uses tokens, API keys, and OAuth protocols May use sessions, cookies, and traditional login forms
Attack Surface Broader due to multiple endpoints and programmability Generally limited to user-facing interfaces
Security Measures Emphasizes input validation, rate limiting, and encryption Involves firewalls, secure coding practices, and patching

After careful evaluation of the differences, it is clear that APIs provide open endpoints that can be accessed directly, thus giving an increased attack surface. Strong authentication and authorization checks, such as API keys and tokens, are recommended so that only valid requests can be processed. The general application security refers to the overall security of an application, from user interfaces to the back-end systems. APIs have no user interfaces and rely heavily on proper input validation and rate limiting since they focus more on avoiding API security attacks.

Recognizing such differences is paramount in the implementation of effective security strategies. In other words, while general application security focuses more on common vulnerabilities, API security assessment takes a closer look at those peculiar to APIs, like exposing excessive data or the lack of rate limiting. Furthermore, APIs are exposed to additional risks like broken object-level authorization, where the attacker manipulates object identifiers with hopes of getting unauthorized data, and poor endpoint management, leaving old or undocumented APIs exposed.

Key Threats to API Security (Most Common Types of API Attacks)

APIs are susceptible to many different kinds of threats that can affect business integrity, confidentiality, and availability. As a result, businesses need to recognize these threats to start working out measures to minimize or avoid them. Attackers often attack APIs because of their open nature, which makes them important in data communication. Below are the seven most common types of API attacks with their explanations and the level of risk each poses to businesses.

  1. Injection attacks: This API security threat involves the sending of malicious data in an API request to achieve a particular vulnerability execution of unauthorized commands or sensitive data retrieval. Common ones include SQL injection and command injection, where an application does not validate incoming input correctly. Such attacks can lead to complete data breaches, system compromises, or even full shutdowns of an application if not mitigated.
  2. Broken Authentication: Broken authentication is one of the common API vulnerabilities that occurs because of poor implementation of API authentication mechanisms, allowing attackers to impersonate valid users by weak password policies, insecure generation of tokens, or improper session management. Thus, unauthorized entities get hold of sensitive data and services that might be catastrophic in terms of data breaches and also harm the reputation of the organizations.
  3. Excessive Data Exposure: If an API returns more data than what clients need, then an attacker will have a chance to exploit the extra data coming from an API. For example, sensitive fields included in an API response that a client does not need could be used by attackers to collect critical information with malicious intent. Such excessive data exposure propagates the vulnerabilities related to data protection regulations, where noncompliance impacts businesses.
  4. Lack of Rate Limiting: In the absence of proper rate limiting, APIs are vulnerable to brute-force attacks or floods of requests whereby malicious users will send an extreme amount of requests in order to disrupt the service. This can lead to Denial of Service conditions where the API is unavailable. Rate Limitation will help prevent these risks by assessing the volume of requests and keeping a check on fair usage, thereby avoiding the abuse of APIs that result in service outages.
  5. Security Misconfiguration: Security settings not configured correctly pose a major threat to APIs. This includes sending default settings, exposure of needless endpoints, or ineffective error handling. All these might be used by an attacker to get unauthorized access or information about the internal working mechanisms of the API, creating loopholes for an attack.
  6. Poor Asset Management: APIs often undergo evolution, and older versions or deprecated endpoints remain accessible unless properly managed. This poor asset management exposes APIs to attacks because outdated endpoints may not have the most recent patches. Keeping track of all API endpoints and ensuring they are updated or securely decommissioned is a must in order to maintain security.
  7. Insufficient Logging and Monitoring: Poor logging and monitoring result in unauthorized access or suspicious activities that are not identified. This exposes an organization to attacks for extended periods or data breaches. Without real-time alerts or proper detection mechanisms, incidents cannot be addressed in time. Proper logging and monitoring ensure visibility into API activities, thus presenting the ability to identify, prevent, and respond to security threats in a timely manner.

How API Security Works?

API security is based on several security mechanisms that work together to protect APIs against potential attacks. Understanding how these different mechanisms work in conjunction with one another will enable organizations to implement comprehensive API security strategies. The section shall illustrate the different methods of how authentication, encryption, and monitoring work to secure APIs from malicious attacks.

  1. Authentication and Authorization: Authentication gives assurance on the identity of users or systems calling the API, whereas authorization elaborates on what the users should be able to perform. Also, a strong authentication protocol, such as OAuth 2.0, and API keys, in particular, ensure that only the right entities interact with the API.
  2. Input Validation: Proper input validation ensures that all incoming data is cleaned and in the correct format before it is processed by the API. Input validation prevents hackers from injecting malicious code, such as SQL injection, into an API’s request-processing pipeline. This step is essential in preventing data corruption and ensuring that the API functions as it should.
  3. Encryption: Encryption ensures that data is protected during the whole process of API and client communication. With the help of such connections as the Transport Layer Security (TLS), various risks connected with interception and subsequent modification of the transmitted information by the attackers can be minimized. Encrypting the data ensures that any data exchanged will be both confidential and integral.
  4. Rate Limiting: The purpose of the rate limit is to control or restrain the number of API requests a client makes within a certain time period. This technique helps to avoid abuses of many types, like brute-force attacks or denial-of-service attempts, making sure the API will function properly and stay accessible during high-traffic periods.
  5. Monitoring and Logging: The continuous monitoring of the API activity enables the real-time identification of suspected or unauthorized activity. Logging all interactions with the API provides an audit trail that can perform forensic analysis in case of an incident, hence assuring speedy resolutions and preventing further damage.

API Security Testing Methods

Regular testing is vital to identify and remediate vulnerabilities in APIs. Various testing methods produce different insights about the security posture of your APIs. Here are some of the important methods of testing API security, each with its unique benefits.

  1. Static Application Security Testing (SAST): SAST performs the source code analysis of an API basically when not in execution. It identifies security defects like coding bugs and vulnerabilities at an early stage during the development phase. The tools of SAST scan through the codebase for patterns that could finally shape into security issues, thus enabling developers to fix them before deployment.
  2. Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST): DAST tests the API in runtime mode by simulating various attacks and analyzing the responses. It identifies vulnerabilities that occur at runtime, such as runtime errors and misconfigurations. DAST tools interact with the API endpoints in search of weaknesses that can utilize the attack.
  3. Penetration Testing: Penetration testing involves security experts attempting to exploit vulnerabilities in the API, mimicking real-world attack scenarios. This method provides a comprehensive assessment of the API’s defenses, highlighting weaknesses that automated tools might miss.
  4. API Fuzz Testing:  Fuzz testing sends random, malformed, or unexpected inputs to the API to see how it handles them. This method helps uncover input validation issues, crashes, and unexpected behaviors that could be exploited by attackers. By simulating real-world malicious input, fuzz testing ensures that APIs are robust and secure against unpredictable threats.
  5. Security Audits: A security audit refers to an organized, systematic evaluation of the security posture by APIs, policies, procedures, and configuration. Audits ensure that industry standards and best practices concerning API security are applied with the identification of areas of improvement in the security posture.

API Security Standards

Adhering to established API security standards helps organizations implement consistent and effective security measures. So, below are some standards that provide guidelines and protocols to safeguard APIs against threats. They will help you implement the best practices for API security:

  1. OpenAPI Specification: The OpenAPI Specification defines a standard, language-agnostic interface for RESTful APIs, enabling both humans and computers to discover and understand the capabilities of a service without access to source code. This allows for clear documentation and aids in designing secure APIs by defining endpoints, parameters, and security schemes.
  2. OAuth 2.0: OAuth 2.0 is one of the widely used authorization protocols across industries. It allows an application to access a user account on an HTTP service with limited access. This is where the responsibility of user authentication is fulfilled by a service with the hosting of the user account. OAuth 2.0 finds its extensive use in securing API access when it comes to not exposing user credentials.
  3. JSON Web Tokens (JWT): Small and URL-safe, JWTs depict a compact way to represent claims to be transferred between parties. They are commonly used for authentication and information exchange. JWTs contain encoded JSON objects including claims and a signature, making sure the integrity and authenticity of the data are guaranteed.
  4. TLS: Transport Layer Security, a cryptographic protocol designed to provide secure communication between computers over the Internet. It allows encryption of data in transit between the client and server to ensure that messages cannot be sniffed, tampered with, or forged.
  5. PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard): A set of security standards laid down by major credit card institutions like MasterCard and Visa to ensure that all companies accepting, processing, storing, or transmitting credit card information maintain a secure environment. APIs involved in payment processing shall be bound by the necessities of cardholder data protection from PCI DSS.

Benefits of Strong API Security

Strong API security provides several benefits to businesses that go beyond just the protection against attacks. These benefits contribute significantly to the success of the organization, protection of critical data, and resilience in a secure environment. Below are some benefits of strong API security measures:

  1. Protects sensitive data: Securing APIs ensures that confidential information, such as customer data, intellectual property, and financial records, remains protected from unauthorized access. With the increasing volume of data businesses manage, the potential damage from data breaches is significant. Strong API security prevents such breaches, mitigating risks related to data exposure and avoiding severe financial and reputational fallout.
  2. Maintains business reputation: A single cybersecurity incident can make customers lose faith in a company and permanently damage its prestige. Also, the media attention following a breach is hard to get out from, plus the customer animosity. Strong API security avoids these incidents in the first place, so businesses maintain their reputation for reliability and trust, hence supporting long-term customer loyalty and standing within their industry.
  3. Regulatory Compliance: Certain verticals are very stringently governed by strong data protection laws, for example, GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI DSS. Non-compliance with these regulations requires heavy fines and some legal liabilities apart from affecting brand reputation. Strong API security enables a business to meet regulatory requirements through the infusion of required controls, encryption, and logging mechanisms that keep it safe against possible breaches and continued compliance.
  4. Avoids Financial Loss: A security breach or system outage can have a major financial impact due to remediation costs, legal action, regulatory penalties, and lost business. Stronger API security minimizes the risk of these costly events, granting business continuity and protecting the backbone of the company. This enables organizations to conduct business without fear of the next disruption in the form of a cyber attack driven by security vulnerabilities.
  5. Gains Customers’ Trust: The increasing competition in the market has made customers very sensitive in terms of how organizations deal with their personal information. It goes without saying that the organizations taking care of API security are concerned about customer data. Such transparency improves customer trust which results in repeated business and a stronger brand image because they know where their information is going.
  6. Supports Business Growth: Secure APIs open the doors for innovation, integration with partners, and expansion of services. Securing APIs provides confidence to organizations to explore new business models, develop new products, and forge partnerships with no increase in risk from vulnerability exposure. It’s an environment within which business growth can be sustained on the basis of reliable security measures.

API Security Breaches Examples

Real-world examples of API security breaches indicate some of the real-life vulnerabilities organizations are faced with and emphasize the need for stringent security measures. These incidents provide helpful insights into a number of pitfalls that occur and how such incidents could be prevented later on.

  1. Facebook API Breach: Facebook experienced a major breach in 2018, in which about 50 million users were affected owing to an API bug accessing the “View As” feature. A vulnerability in access tokens attacked by hackers hijacked user accounts for personal data access. This has emphatically underlined the security of APIs with regard to proper input validation, including enterprise access control.
  2. Panera Bread Data Leak (2018): In 2018, a large data leakage at Panera Bread exposed an unauthenticated API endpoint, exposing information on about 7 million customer records with names, email addresses, and physical locations. The company was informed about the leak eight months back but later came to know about the vulnerabilities still existing. The incident points out that identified security issues should be resolved as soon as possible to avoid extended exposure and potential data theft.
  3. T-Mobile API Breach: In 2018, T-Mobile faced a data breach in which hackers exploited a weak API to steal the personal details of approximately 2 million subscribers, among other information. This was because of a weak authentication control that allowed the attackers to outsmart the security measures. This shows just how vital or crucial robust authentication mechanisms are in the security of APIs, thus calling for tighter controls.
  4. Public Venmo Transactions: In 2019, the default Venmo API settings made user transactions publicly available, allowing researchers to scrape millions of transactions and associated user data. This incident did not technically constitute a breach since it did not involve the unauthorized release of data by Venmo. It did reveal serious issues with how APIs handle privacy settings. Further, this iterates the need for businesses to put user privacy at the top while designing and building APIs.

API Security Best Practices Checklist

API security best practices include some of the best strategies that businesses can follow to protect their data and ensure the stability of their digital systems. The following checklist outlines key methods to minimize vulnerabilities and significantly enhance security:

  1. Strong Authentication and Authorization Implementation: Implementing strong authentication and authorization will ensure that, under any circumstance, all API endpoints necessitate authentication in a way that only authorized users can access them. Industry-standard protocols like OAuth 2.0, in combination with multi-factor authentication, will go a long way in securing APIs from unauthorized access. Access should, in all conditions, always be granted according to the least privilege principle to reduce any risk.
  2. Input Validation Enforcement: Every input should always be checked and normalized to avoid API security attacks such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting, among other input vulnerabilities. The checking of data types, formats, and allowed values for each parameter protects APIs from harmful payloads, which are going to result in data corruption or data breaches.
  3. Use Encryption: While Transport Layer Security (TLS) itself encrypts data in transit, which thwarts interception and man-in-the-middle attacks, businesses should also encrypt sensitive data when it is at rest. Even if somehow data gets compromised, it can’t be easily read or utilized by unauthorized parties.
  4. Apply Rate Limiting: Previously we read how missing rate limiting can enable various attackers to abuse APIs. As a result, applying rate limiting has become one of the API security best practices. Rate limiting regulates the number of possible API requests by a client in a fixed amount of time. This can prevent abuses, such as brute-force login attempts or Denial-of-Service attacks, by ensuring API usage remains within safe limits.
  5. Monitoring and Activity Logging: The capabilities of continuous monitoring of API activity and logging enable an organization to detect anomalies and swiftly respond to security incidents. Detailed logs work great for tracing the origin of any issue and provide critical information during security investigations. This can be further enhanced by setting up automated alerts for suspicious activities.
  6. Regular API Patching and Updating: Keeping APIs up-to-date, along with applying the latest patches and security updates, ensures that APIs avoid known vulnerabilities. Necessary maintenance helps businesses stay ahead in terms of various threats while reducing risks associated with outdated software.
  7. Perform Regular Security Testing: Regular security testing, such as penetration testing and code reviews, can find API implementation vulnerabilities. Proactive identification and mitigation of weaknesses help a business prevent an exploit that could have otherwise happened, keeping it ahead in the race against emerging threats.

SentinelOne for API Security

SentinelOne is an API-first security platform that offers API endpoint security solutions for enterprises. It provides advanced, autonomous AI-powered threat detection and integrates with leading security tools like Phantom, Alexa, Splunk, and more.

SentinelOne Singularity™ Control empowers enterprises with best-of-breed cyber security and native-suite features. It helps teams manage attack surfaces and enables them with granular, location-aware network flow controls with native firewall controls for Windows, macOS, and Linux. Users can control any Bluetooth, USB, or Bluetooth Low Energy device on Windows and Mac to reduce physical attack surfaces. You can control both in-and-outbound API network traffic and Identify any rogue endpoints that are not yet protected. Remove the uncertainty of compliance by discovering deployment gaps in your network.

Singularity™ Endpoint offers superior visibility and enterprise-wide prevention, detection, and response across entire attack surfaces. It secures your endpoints, servers, and mobile devices. You will be able to automatically identify and protect unmanaged, network-connected endpoints that are known to introduce new risks. Remediate and roll back endpoints with a single click, reduce mean times to respond, and accelerate investigations. Gather and correlate telemetry across your endpoints for holistic context into a threat using Storylines.

If you are looking for a complete API endpoint security solution, try Singularity™ Complete.

It includes:

  • Powerful machine-speed malware analysis and RemoteOps forensics
  • 1-click automated remediation, hybrid cloud protection, and identify infrastructure and credentials management.
  • Singularity Network Discovery, is a built-in agent technology that actively and passively maps your networks, delivering instant asset inventories and information about rogue devices located in your enterprise.
  • Purple AI, your personal Gen AI cyber security analyst
  • eBPF architecture and supports Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework (OCSF)
  • The ability to centralize and transform your data into actionable threat intelligence via a unified, AI-driven Singularity™ Data Lake
  • A world-class leading CNAPP that features: Kubernetes Security Posture Management (KSPM), Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM), Cloud Workload Protection Platform (CWPP), AI-SIEM for the autonomous SOC, agentless vulnerability management, Secret Scanning, Compliance Dashboard, Offensive Security Engine™ with Verified Exploit Paths™, and more.

Book a free live demo to explore.


In modern business environments, where everything is digitally connected, API security is not an option but a must-have for enterprise businesses. In this article, we read how APIs have become an important channel that allows different applications and platforms to communicate smoothly, which often involves sensitive data and core functionalities. However, while the adoption and end-use application of APIs increases, vulnerability to security risks also increases. Hence, strong API security protects not just the data but business continuity, customer trust, and regulatory compliance.

By adopting strong API security practices, such as authentication, input validation, encryption, and regular security testing, businesses can safeguard these critical systems from potential breaches and cyberattacks. As APIs continue to be a cornerstone of digital infrastructure, their security will remain an essential part of a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy, empowering organizations to innovate and expand while maintaining resilience against evolving threats. Furthermore, Solutions such as SentinelOne’s Singularity™ XDR platform help businesses create an advanced layer of protection so your APIs are secure with complete endpoint protection. To discuss more about SentinelOne’s offerings, you can contact us!


1. API Security vs Application Security

API security deals with security measures that protect APIs that connect with apps and services and safeguard their data exchanges. Application security is concerned with applications themselves and protects them from unauthorized access and modifications.

2. What are some common API security risks?

Some common API security risks are injection attacks, broken object-level authorization, security misconfigurations, and broken authentication.

3. What is API key security?

API key security protects API keys from unauthorized access and authenticates users whenever they try to access APIs. It can also track API usage and enforce rate limits.

4. How do I secure my API?

You can use an API gateway, encrypt responses, and use rate-limiting techniques to secure your API. The best way to ensure API security is to use a solution like SentinelOne that protects your enterprise holistically.

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