Top 14 API Security Risks: How to Mitigate Them?

Learn about the top 14 API security risks, their impact, and actionable mitigation strategies to safeguard your APIs effectively.
By SentinelOne November 27, 2024

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) have become the gateway to enable software programs to communicate with each other. They operate like digital bridges that pass information between different systems. APIs play a crucial role in modern software by enabling apps to communicate and work together. API security protects these data connections from unauthorized access and attacks. A good API security framework protects sensitive data, blocks malicious requests, and allows only those who should have access to the API to use it. With companies moving more of their key services online, it makes sense that this protection matters even more today. This blog explains what exactly API security risks are.

We will discuss simple security concepts, familiar threats attackers use, and how to prevent these attacks. We will also discuss the use of SentinelOne to help secure API endpoints. This blog helps organizations take effective steps towards securing their APIs and data better.

API Security Risks - Featured Image | SentinelOneWhat is API Security?

API security refers to the process of using various methods/devices to protect an organization’s API and its data from various security threats. This entails identifying who has authorized access to the API, securing data in transit between systems, and ensuring requests issued to the API are secure.

Why is API Security Essential?

API security secures sensitive user information and organizational systems. As long as APIs are secure, they don’t allow attackers to be able to steal data or access systems. When APIs function securely, trust in business remains intact. A lot of compliance standards also state that APIs need to be secure, or organizations owning them will be fined.

APIs connect business systems that handle money, users, and company secrets. With APIs not having good security, attackers can get in and take this data. It costs organizations money, breaks customer trust, and creates legal issues. API attacks continue to rise annually, which makes securing these endpoints even more critical.

15 API Security Risks and Mitigations

APIs are exposed to numerous security threats on a daily basis. Those risks vary from basic bugs in the code to more elaborate attacks. Understanding these threats makes it easier for security teams to develop appropriate defenses. Let us see some of the most common API security vulnerabilities and how to remedy them.

1. Broken Access Control

Broken access control allows users to read or modify resources outside the scope of their intended access. The simplest example is that an attacker may modify the ID in the URL and retrieve another user’s data. This happens when APIs do not validate whether the user who is logged in has permission to view or update requested data. On some APIs, attackers can promote their own role or change settings without access checks at all.

To fix broken access control, organizations should begin by checking user roles for every API request. Define who should see what data, and reference the owner of the dataset to ensure that it is fine to be displayed. Use matching tokens aligned with precise user rights and conduct consistent security audits to find access control issues.

2. Broken Authentication

When APIs do not validate user identity strongly enough, the application runs into broken authentication. Weak passwords or never-expire old login tokens are sometimes acceptable on APIs. If authentication does not work properly, attackers can brute force weak passwords to bypass existing authentication mechanisms to exfiltrate user data.

Organizations should implement strong password policies and a two-step login before key events to increase authentication. Also, companies should implement login tokens that expire after a certain time and lock users out after repeated failed password attempts. Apart from that, validate login tokens on every API request and monitor abnormal login patterns that may indicate attacks.

3. Data Exposure

Data Exposure is when an organization’s APIs return more data than necessary. This tends to cover any database fields, debugging data, or system details in error messages. Organizations can face issues when only specific fields are requested, and instead of returning what was expected in the response object, it returns back full data objects. Attackers use this additional information for reconnaissance and further attacks.

To avoid exposing sensitive data, organizations should make a schema of what each API should return. Responses should be trimmed of unnecessary details, and error messages should contain no system info. Implement scrubbing of sensitive information from logs and responses.

4. Resource Limits

Resource limit problems occur when the APIs get too many requests from the users. Attackers exploit this to send fake requests to the servers. Certain APIs also allow consumers to request large payloads with a single call. This consumes system resources and also makes the service slow or even fail for the real users.

Organizations should establish user or IP-based request caps to manage resources. Implement considerable delay in requesting and blacklisting URLs that make an excessive amount of calls. Look out for attack-type request patterns with unusual characteristics.

5. Injection Attacks

APIs trusting user input without additional checks lead to injection attacks. From the client side, attackers send hidden special commands in standard-looking payloads like registration forms. Such commands/payloads can make databases leak sensitive information, execute system commands, or even change data that is stored. This happens when developers don’t implement input sanitizations and validation on user inputs.

Organizations should implement a validation check that will check all input data before it is used (to prevent injection attacks). Prevent malicious payloads by blocking special characters such as “<” and “>.” Use secure methods to communicate with the database. Place restrictions on input size and maintain lists for each API of what input types are permitted.

6. Improper Asset Management

APIs evolve rapidly as development teams continuously deploy new features and versions. This often leads to multiple API versions running simultaneously, with older versions remaining active for backward compatibility.

Development teams sometimes deploy test APIs to production environments, creating additional security risks. These forgotten, unused, or test APIs, often called “shadow APIs” or “zombie APIs,” typically contain outdated code and lack current security controls. Their known vulnerabilities and outdated security measures make them prime targets for attackers seeking the path of least resistance.

One way to better manage an organization’s APIs is to use API Inventory, which keeps a note of all versions of an API and where they run. Deprecate old versions of the API once newer ones start to function. If an API is for testing, leave it on a test server. Scan all API endpoints frequently for security issues. Use tools to identify hidden/shadow/Zombie APIs in your networks.

7. Mass Assignment

Mass assignment vulnerabilities occur when APIs automatically bind client-provided data to internal objects or database records without proper filtering. When an API accepts a data object for updates, it may blindly update all matching fields, including sensitive ones not intended for user modification. Attackers exploit this by adding these restricted fields to their requests, potentially escalating privileges or manipulating critical system values.

In order to prevent mass assignment, the organization should list which fields each API can update. Implement this to block the fields that are not on the list. Separate APIs for normal user and admin-level actions. Validate each field update with user permissions. Catch issues by testing APIs with additional fields in requests or implementing fuzzing tools.

8. Cross-Origin Resource Sharing

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) rules regulate what websites can access an organization’s API. In simple terms, weak CORS configuration allows any site to call its API. During development, CORS is set to allow all origins. However, many times, organizations forget to change it later.

To overcome the problem of CORS, specific rules regarding which websites are allowed to consume the organization’s API must be implemented. Never set “allow-all” settings on live APIs. Verify CORS rules on how to put your APIs in force.

9. Lack of Endpoint Protection

Insufficient endpoint protection occurs when APIs have inconsistent security controls across their endpoints. While organizations might implement robust security checks on primary endpoints, deeply nested or less visible endpoints may lack the same level of protection. Attackers actively seek gaps in security coverage to bypass established security controls and gain unauthorized access.

Organizations must implement consistent security controls across all API endpoints, regardless of their visibility or network location. Apply the same security standards to every endpoint, including authentication, authorization, and input validation. Regularly scan all endpoints, including those in internal networks like staging and testing environments, to ensure uniform security coverage.

10. Improper Error Handling

If not properly handled, errors show attackers details of the database, the path of the server, or error dumps. Errors can also prevent the security checks from functioning. Attackers take advantage of the error message, gain insights into the API, and exploit it further.

Organizations should define standard error messages that conceal system details to improve error handling. Don’t send the exact same errors to both log files and users. If an error occurs, security checks should continue to work. For signs of attacks, organizations should regularly check error logs.

11. Security Misconfiguration

Security misconfiguration occurs if the settings in an API are set to a default setting, such as admin123, as the password. Most APIs begin with test passwords, open ports, or other fundamental security rules. To solve logical problems, organizations sometimes disable the security features and forget to re-enable them. Default settings, on the other hand, tend to make permissions more permissive than necessary as well as add non-essential functions that can make a system more problematic.

Organizations should set security configurations and change all default passwords and access rules. Disable unnecessary API functionalities that users do not need. Configure security rules for each part of the API according to its requirements. Regularly review API configurations to identify issues. Use security scanning tools that detect incorrect or missing security configurations.

12. Insecure Dependencies

Many third-party code packages are used when developing APIs to save time and resources. These packages are often well-known to have security issues. If APIs are using insecure packages under the hood, the attackers can exploit known issues to gain unauthorized access.

To secure dependencies, organizations should verify all packages for security issues prior to using them. Immediately install updates for packages when new security measures are released. Organizations should use open-source dependency scanning tools (SCA tools) that will alert them about insecure packages.

13. Lack of Proper Logging

Poor API logging generates security blind spots that can contain potential threats and undermine an organization’s ability to respond to them during an incident. Inadequate log management, e.g., saving logs in unreachable locations or not being able to protect the integrity of a log, can help attackers erase their traces or even reveal sensitive information.

To develop strong logging practices, organizations should log all API calls in detail, including information such as request headers and IP addresses, authentication methods used, response codes, etc. This involves using central, secure locations for the storage of logs and controlling who has access to each log.

14. Weak Encryption

Attackers are likely able to read or modify sensitive data if APIs use weak encryption. Certain organizations have APIs that use outdated encryption types that contain vulnerabilities. Others transmit trivial data in plain text. Even strong encryption can be weakened by a bad setup. Without a doubt, attackers choose weak points in API encryption to access sensitive data.

To secure APIs and the sensitive data they process, organizations should rely on strong encryption, such as AES. When transferring or saving private data, encrypt it. Use security guides to set encryption properly on the release of new security patches and update encryption.

API Security with SentinelOne

The SentinelOne platform secures APIs with its various security tooling offerings. The platform helps detect issues and prevent attacks rapidly. Here are the essential ways in which SentinelOne makes APIs secure.

Real-Time Monitoring

SentinelOne observes API traffic in real time. It examines each request that is directed at the organization’s APIs. It detects abnormal patterns that can be indicative signs of attacks. It also monitors which users or systems are using the API in real-time and alerts security teams immediately when any security issues are found.

Automatic Response

SentinelOne does not just identify issues but also addresses them. It can act as a shield and block bad requests before they hit the APIs. It can detect an attack and block that IP address from making any further requests. It also tracks lists of known bad actors, blocking them automatically.

Deep API Analysis

SentinelOne validates data types and fields, e.g., the size of the input data. The system understands normal API usage patterns. This lets it discover concealed attacks simply by scanning normal requests. It also detects private data leaks through APIs.

Easy Setup

SentinelOne can be used by organizations without having to change their APIs. It can be used with existing API setups. It understands how APIs function and creates security policies that align with them. Organizations can begin with a baseline protection and add on additional rules as needed.

Clear Reports

Clear reports display the status of the organization’s API security in the system. Security teams get to see what APIs are getting the most traffic. They are able to discover the attacks that the system has prevented.

Integration Support

SentinelOne works with other security tools and can send data to log systems. The system takes alerts from other security tools. This helps teams keep all their security tools working together to protect APIs.


The threats around API security are on the rise, and APIs should be under constant monitoring. Organizations must use strong security methods on APIs since bad actors come up every day with new ways to attack APIs. The API security risks attacks can shut down systems, steal data, and leave services inoperable. Input sanitization, authentication, and access control are some ways that secure organizations against these threats.

Using tools such as SentinelOne provides further coverage for the API security work. Such tools monitor the APIs for different attacks, halt the threat immediately before it performs harm, and help organizations identify security issues well ahead of time that attackers do. A combination of security hygiene and effective security tools will ensure that organizations are able to secure their APIs without disrupting functionality. It saves user data, maintains service uptime, and ensures that customers continue to trust organizations.


1. What are the most common security risks for APIs?

Three common API threats are broken access control, poor authentication, and injection attacks. Access control issues allow users to view sensitive data. Weakness in authentication allows attackers to bypass authentication mechanisms, and an injection attack sends malicious payloads to run arbitrary code, read/update/delete databases, and much more.

2. What is broken authentication in API security?

Broken authentication occurs when the authentication mechanism used by the API is misconfigured in some way or another. It includes the use of old login tokens (which should have expired), weak passwords, or relying on response bodies to log in users (response manipulation attacks). Such issues allow hackers to bypass authentication and access sensitive information.

3. Why is input validation important for API security?

Input validation is a well-known security best practice but is very often ignored while implementing APIs. Input validation analyzes all data sent by users to APIs to ensure that it is not malicious. In the absence of these checks, attackers can include malicious payloads hidden in normal-looking requests to perform injection attacks such as SQLi, XSS, etc.

4. How does weak encryption in APIs compromise security?

Weak encryption in APIs makes it possible for attackers to intercept and decrypt sensitive data flowing between client and server. This allows them to steal passwords, payment details, and other confidential information.

5. Why is logging and monitoring important for API security?

Logging and monitoring help detect and respond to security threats by tracking unusual patterns, potential breaches, and suspicious activities in real-time. It provides an audit trail for investigating incidents and helps organizations understand how their APIs are being used or misused.

6. What tools are available to enhance API security?

Security tools consist of tools such as API scanners, web firewalls as well as specialized platforms like SentinelOne above. Together, these tools help identify issues, filter unwanted traffic, and secure APIs against different security attacks.

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