Information Security Risks: Impacts and Best Practices

Discover the top 9 information security risks, their impacts, and best practices for mitigation. Learn how SentinelOne can help protect your organization against these evolving threats.
By SentinelOne October 23, 2024

Data security is a major part of contemporary business and personal data management. It includes the practices, technologies, and policies that are designed to protect digital assets from unauthorized access, destruction, or disruption. The greater the digitalization of everything, the more vital the cyber security becomes. This blog explores the scope of information security risks and their impact, coupled with some strategies to counter them. We’ll also discuss common risk management best practices and how SentinelOne can help. By the end of this blog, you will have a clear understanding of the challenges posed by information security risks and the tools available to address them.

What is Information Security?

Information security is a range of processes and tools aimed at preventing sensitive data from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction. It is intended to keep information confidential, integral, and available in both digital and physical formats. The practice may include various security controls, such as technologies and systems, organizational policies, and procedures to protect the information within its entire life cycle.

The essential principles of information security are the CIA triad, namely confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Confidentiality ensures that data is accessible only to authorized persons or systems. Information integrity guarantees precise and unchanged data both in the process of storage and transfer. Availability allows authorized users to be accessed whenever necessary.

Introduction to Information Security Risk

Information security risk is the probability of an unintentional loss, malfunction, or disclosure of information in a system. Such risks are multifaceted, be it ransomware attacks or data breaches that a company faces. Organizations must identify and mitigate these risks in order to secure their valuable information assets, as well as the operational integrity of their enterprise.

There are various kinds of information security risks, from inadequate securing against unauthorized access to sensitive data to corruption and destruction of critical information.

Information security risks have the potential to affect organizations widely and negatively. Security breaches directly lead to financial losses, both through direct costs of incident response and system recovery, as well as potential legal fees. Organizations can also incur significant indirect costs caused by business disruption, impacts on productivity, and reputation damage.

9 Information Security Risks

Information security risks are diverse and ever-evolving, posing significant challenges to organizations across all sectors. Understanding these risks is crucial for developing effective security strategies and securing valuable information assets. Let’s explore ten common information security risks that organizations face today:

#1. Advanced Persistent Threats

Advanced Persistent Threats are long-term attacks in the cyber world, where malware is used to infiltrate the target network and then persist there and act for some time. To implement such attacks, malicious agents use malware that is sometimes custom-made and cannot be identified with signature-based techniques. To implement a successful APT attack, many hours are spent on reconnaissance and finding the targets, and once the initial infection takes place, as many points as possible are established in the target network and spread out as much as possible.

A multi-layer approach can be used to mitigate the risks of becoming the victim of an APT attack. In terms of end-station protections, organizations can use EPDR agents that use behavior analysis and machine learning. User and entity behavior analytics can also be used, and it can help detect when the account is compromised, or someone is acting as a malicious insider in order to assist the APT attack. SIEM systems can also employed along with threat intelligence feeds to make sure that all activities in the network are taken into account and analyzed. Although there is no absolute protection for such attacks, those measures can at least minimize the risks.

#2. Zero-Day Exploits

Zero-day exploits are attacks on the software, firmware, or hardware that occur before the vendor detects the vulnerabilities. These weak spots in the code can be buffer overflows, SQLi, XSS, or even race conditions. All these vulnerabilities can be exploited to run arbitrary code, elevate access to given applications, or bypass the built-in security principles.

Zero-day attacks are very potent since even the patch is not available. The only measure that can be used is to make virtual patches in the IPS and WAFs that use compromised software. The implementation of application sandboxing and CFI (Control Flow Integrity) can also help as an endpoint protection method that can recognize anomalies with machine learning.

#3. Man-in-the-Middle

A man-in-the-middle attack is simply intercepting the messages between the two parties, and the message is relayed to the initial recipients without their knowledge. Among common man-in-the-middle tricks are ARP spoofing, DNS cache poisoning, and SSL stripping.

ARP spoofing tricks the local router into sending data to the wrong MAC address, causing the entire traffic to be redirected through the attacker’s computer. The DNS cache poisoning controls are bypassed, and traffic is sent to the wrong server and multiplied for the final destination. The server’s security channel, HTTPS, is degraded to HTTP, and all the traffic is sent to the attacker in an unsecured state.

#4. Cryptographic Failures

Cryptographic failure can result from the use of weak algorithms, short key lengths, or an improper implementation of cryptographic protocols. While using deprecated algorithms such as MD5 or SHA-1, which can be easily attacked by collision issues and are usually a contributing factor, cryptographic failures can occur due to a lack of entropy in the key generation process, leading to predictable keys. One such issue is the seed files generated by the entropy sources that are not updated and eventually produce the same key.

Poor random number generation can also be a factor that can result in a predictable random seed and can compromise the security of the cryptographic operations for initial random seed creation. Another reason for cryptographic failure is the improper implementation of algorithms with side-channel resistance. This implies that cryptographic operations in sensitive space are prone to attack.

To mitigate these risks, it is necessary to use a proper approach to managing cryptography, including the use of strong algorithms such as AES-256 for symmetric cryptography and RSA-4096 or ECDSA with P-384 curves for asymmetric cryptography.

#5. SQL Injection Vulnerabilities

SQL injection vulnerability results from unsanitized user input that is embedded in an SQL query executed by an application. It is the result of a failure to separate the execution content from the data, allowing an attacker to manipulate the SQL structure to perform unauthorized tasks such as data extraction, data tampering, and running administrative actions. Some common types of SQL injection include:

  • Union-based injection is used to retrieve data from different tables.
  • Blind SQL injection, is used by the attacker to infer data from the responses provided by the application.
  • Out-of-band SQL injection, which exfiltrates the data over a channel that does not use the same connection.

To prevent SQL injection, it is necessary to ensure that the database operations are properly constrained. This is typically achieved by using parameterized or prepared statements that separate the logic from the data. Another measure that can be taken is to use an additional protective layer of abstraction of ORM frameworks.

#6. DDoS Attacks

DDoS attacks are carried out by overwhelming target systems or networks in a way that the service cannot be provided to regular users. These include volumetric attacks, which fill the network with traffic, protocol-based attacks that exploit flaws in networking protocols, and application layer attacks that focus on specific applications.

Common DDoS attacks use botnets (networks of devices like IoT or PC) to create huge amounts of illegitimate traffic. The reaction of these intermediary servers is called the amplification technique, and responding with large responses to small requests can escalate this even more.

DDoS protection is about layering different protection techniques together for higher resiliency against DDoS. Routing it at the network level, having a good traffic filtering system, and alerting on any denied/malicious traffic pattern. Also, cloud-based DDoS protection services are able to deliver scalability in the face of large-scale attacks. These include application-level defenses, such as rate limiting or CAPTCHAs, to differentiate if the client is a human or a bot through some form of user behavior analysis.

#7. Misconfigured Access Controls

Failure to properly implement access controls mostly occurs as a result of the principle being neither properly applied (i.e., either too strict or not stringent enough) and/or user permissions being inadequately controlled. Some typical problems include file permissions that are too excessive, incorrect setup of cloud storage buckets, or incorrect configuration of APIs..

One of the best ways to mitigate access control risks is by implementing a holistic IAM strategy. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) or Attribute-Based Access control models and capability models can be used to align user permissions with respective job functions as per security requirements.

#8. API Security Vulnerabilities

API security vulnerabilities could lead to unauthorized access to sensitive data or functionality. There are a number of common API vulnerabilities, such as inadequate auth, missing rate limiting, and lack of input validation or improper handling of sensitive data. Some other risks include mass assignment vulnerabilities, improper error handling leading to information disclosure, etc.

The protection of APIs needs to take into account how they are designed, what goes into the implementation, and careful monitoring. This is where the use of strong authentication mechanisms such as OAuth 2.0 with JWT tokens comes in handy, allowing for a policy that only authenticated clients are allowed to access the API.

All API parameters should also be properly validated and encoded as input/output to help prevent injection attacks. Rate limiting and anomaly detection can also be implemented to stop the abuse of an API or detect potential attacks. API gateways enable you to do things like parent and child traffic, authentication for API calls, and rate limiting on API logs all in one place.

#9. Supply Chain Attacks

Supply chain attacks are a type of attack that occurs in the organization or entity when an attacker targets through vulnerabilities in its supply network, third-party software, and hardware service providers. In many cases, these attacks can be difficult to identify and stop as they exploit normal trusted relationships and authentic update processes. A famous example is the SolarWinds attack, which uses a patch to introduce malicious code.

Mitigating supply chain risks means you need to have a strong vendor risk management program in place. It also encompasses doing proper due diligence on third-party vendors, including code review and penetration tests where possible.

Also, software composition analysis (SCA) tools can be used to detect third-party components that are part of an application and keep track of them. To ensure device integrity, use methods such as hardware root of trust and have secure boot processes in place to mitigate the risk for threat actors targeting your supply chain.

Best Practices for Mitigating Information Security Risks

The following is the list of best practices that organizations should implement to significantly enhance their security posture and mitigate potential risks.

1. Configure Identity and Access Management

An IAM system is necessary to manage users’ access privileges over protected resources. Enforce role-based access via (RBAC) which means giving users only the permissions required for their job roles.

Enable MFA on all user accounts, especially privileged access. Perform user permission audits and create automated checks to find unnecessary or outdated rights of access and automatically rescind them.

2. Perform Regular Security Audits

Conduct regular vulnerability scans on your devices and software. Conduct as much of the tool scanning automatically as possible, then test manually to cover more broadly.

Conduct regular penetration testing to mirror real attacks using automated widespread scans. This helps to pinpoint more intricate vulnerabilities that automated tools would likely overlook and offers visibility into the strength of your security controls.

3. Robust Patch Management Program

Develop a formula for finding, testing, and deploying security patches on all systems/apps. Patch based on the severity of the vulnerability and how it could impact your organization.

Leverage automated patch management tools to facilitate the process and ensure timely updates. Systems that can’t be patched immediately should make use of virtual patching or other compensating controls to reduce risk.

4. Use Network Segmentation and Micro-Segmentation

If possible, divide the network into segments with different features in order to control it more effectively. This will limit the wider spread of breaches, and it’s more difficult for attackers to move around a network from there.

Use micro-segmentation to enforce security policies at a granular level within workloads. By offering a much more exact traffic steering mechanism, it is possible to expose far less open attack surface in cloud and data center scenarios.

5. Develop and Test Incident Response/Business Continuity Plans

Develop comprehensive incident response plans that define who is responsible for what and describe how to respond to different security incidents. Revise these plans to reflect updated threats and changes in your IT environment.

Participate in tabletop exercises and simulations to ensure your incident response plans and business continuity are working. This helps you pinpoint issues in your processes and know that your team is ready to handle security incidents as they come.

How can SentinelOne help?

SentinelOne is a multi-layered endpoint protection platform with artificial intelligence and machine learning in the core base targeting to block multiple vectors of information threats. The technology carries an autonomous AI-powered agent for real-time threat detection and response functionality across multiple points of attack.

Using machine learning algorithms, the system’s behavioral AI can detect and stop all types of known and unknown cyber threats, such as zero-day exploits or fileless malware. EDR from SentinelOne delivers comprehensive visibility across endpoint activities to facilitate quicker threat hunting and incident response.

The Singularity platform consumes data from SentinelOne’s other security products and services, which include endpoint protection technology based on machine learning algorithms, as well as tools that secure cloud workloads (SentinelOne Workload Protection). Its automated remediation is able to reverse any changes made by malware, drastically reducing the mean time to resolve (MTTR) security incidents.

The platform’s extensive API integrations make it easy to complement the existing security stack, contributing across the entire spectrum of threat intelligence and security orchestration.


As the overall technology world is changing, information security threats are changing as well. Organizations must be alert and forward-thinking about their cybersecurity approach, evolving their strategies to cover new risks. Through the implementation of strong security measures, creating a culture around awareness and use of advanced technologies to combat cyber threats.

But there is no silver bullet or one practice to guarantee complete safety. It requires a layered strategy, with technological solutions at its base that are enhanced by well-designed processes and improved through the continuous training of employees. More regular security measures need to be assessed and updated in order for them to stay effective against the newest threats.

In the end, information security is a constant journey and not an objective. By staying informed on emerging threats, following best practices, and maintaining a culture of constant improvement, organizations can improve their security posture.


1. What are the most common information security risks?

Some of the most prevalent information security risks are phishing attacks, malware infections, data breaches, insider threats, and weak password practices. Similarly, Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs), ransomware, and attacks using social engineering are also common. Moreover, vulnerabilities in software and improperly configured systems are a major danger to many companies.

2. What is the impact of an information security breach?

An information security breach can have severe and extremely multi-faceted consequences. Theft, system downtime, and regulatory fines are the main causes of financial losses. Companies can lose the trust of customers and potentially miss out on business. This can cause operational disruptions, which hinder productivity and service delivery. Sometimes, breaches can also cause legal issues as well.

3. What is the difference between information security and cybersecurity?

Information security is the practice of preventing unauthorized access, use disclosure, disruption modification, or destruction to information assets, either physical such as paper-based or digital, that you want to keep confidential. While cybersecurity may intersect with information security, it is centered more on digital data and the systems that are connected either via the Internet or any other means.

4. How does encryption help protect sensitive information?

Encryption converts human-readable data into ciphertext, which can only be used by the intended recipients with a proper key to read. It keeps the data integrity in place. It’s an important asset to protect sensitive messages and data in transit, at rest or exchanged.

5. What are the consequences of not addressing information security risks?

Unmitigated information security risks can result in data breaches, financial losses, and harm to companies. This may put organizations in legal liabilities and penalties under regulatory non-compliance. At its worst, poor security (or perception of it) can cause a business to collapse.

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