What is SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition)?

Discover SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) and understand its vital role in monitoring, controlling, and optimising industrial processes for improved efficiency and safety.
By SentinelOne August 27, 2024

SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems have evolved to become very critical for the efficient management and operation of industrial and infrastructure systems, which in themselves have been becoming ever more complex. Monitoring and controlling industrial processes in real-time, SCADA systems have thus shown their value in a myriad of industries that range from manufacturing to energy, water, and transportation.

Since they are used to control several critical operations, the need to protect them from cyber threats has also risen. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Systems systems, with respect to cybersecurity, show a significant link to data protection, operational continuity, and safety.

What is SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition)?

SCADA stands for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition. It is basically used for controlling and monitoring industrial processes that are spread over large geographical areas. Such SCADA software would provide the functionality for acquiring real-time data for the automation of such processes and display them on one central interface to the user for the purpose of control and monitoring. They are vital in ensuring continued operational efficiency, safety, and reliability.

Importance of SCADA

Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Systems are playing a significant role in the operations management of various industries. They help an operator monitor performance for detection of anomalies and timely intervention. They help increase operational efficiency, minimize downtime, and meet safety and regulatory standards through real-time data availability and control.

Who Uses SCADA?

SCADA software is widely used by many different industries as well as organizations for a variety of applications:

  • Manufacturing:  This helps in controlling the production lines, and also in monitoring the condition of the machinery.
  • Energy: It helps in power generation, transmission, and distribution.
  • Water Treatment: It finds applications for water supply, sewerage, and wastewater management.
  • Transportation: Used in railway systems, traffic light control systems, and transit systems when these are overseen.
  • Oil and Gas: Exploration, drilling, and refining in exploiting oil and gas fields.

History of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Systems

The concept of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Systems was born in the 1960s when the then-starting computer-based systems started overtaking the markets by keeping the main focus on industrial process automation. Most of the early systems used centralized mainframes for data acquisition and control. With enhancements in technology, programmable logic controllers and remote terminal units began to find a place in SCADA systems. From then on, they followed their continuous development into even more advanced and distributed systems. A little later, during the 1980s and 1990s, networked and Web-based SCADA systems became well-known for much greater flexibility and accessibility. These SCADA software have grown further with today’s use of technology, making them combined with Cloud Computing and Advanced Analytics.

How Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Systems Works

The Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition systems link together countless elements to direct an industrial process. Normally, they are made up of a few crucial components:

  1. Data Acquisition:  SCADA software acquires information by collecting data from numerous field devices and sensors. That is where RTUs and PLCs come into play. The RTU collects data from the various sensors placed in the field and conveys it to the central SCADA system. On the other hand, PLCs are used for the control of local processes and machinery.
  2. Communication:  Once the data is collected, it needs to be sent to the central control system from the field devices. All this is done by the communication networks interlinking all RTUs, PLCs, and the SCADA server. This could be in the form of wire-based technology, both Ethernet and wireless devices, as the system requires devices spread over geographical locations.
  3. Data Processing: This recorded information is then transmitted to the central control system for analysis and interpretation. The SCADA server picks up records from various points, processes the records into a useful form, and finally archives the same in a database for retrieval at later stages; therefore, data processing involves filtering and aggregating the records to highlight the picture of the performance of the system.
  4. Control: The control function of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Systems is to give access to the operator to interface with the system and control the industrial process. The authorized operator can allow any changes or commands going to the field devices against the real-time data monitoring with SCADA. This shall include setting up control parameters, changes in the process variable, or any other action that may be necessary to control them.
  5. Monitoring: The basic operations of SCADA software involve constant monitoring. It also continuously follows up on process variables against set thresholds of system performance against predetermined operating conditions. In case a trend of deviation or anomaly in these parameters is noted, it will alert or alarm the SCADA system to draw operators’ attention to potential problems.

Key Components of SCADA Architecture

A few core components are utilized in making SCADA software; all of these components have a vital role in terms of the overall functionality of the system. Some of the key components of the SCADA system include:

  • Remote Terminal Units (RTUs):  These devices collect data from the field sensors and transmit it to the SCADA. They are designed to work independently of the central control system normally at remote locations.
  • Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs): They do basically the same thing as RTUs but are normally used in more localized or automated environments. They control machinery and processes based on predefined logic and instructions.
  • Human-Machine Interface (HMI): The HMI is the user interface that an operator uses to interface with the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Systems. It will display source, real-time data, alarms, and control options.
  • Communication Infrastructure: Composition of the network structure or protocols through which data is transferred between the RTU, PLC, and the central control system.

Types of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Systems

SCADA systems can be classified based on their architecture and deployment. The major types are as follows:

  1. Monolithic SCADA Systems: This is a centralized system in which all the constituents of the device are contained within one housing enclosure. Installation of such devices is relatively easy; however, they may suffer from scalability and flexibility problems.
  2. Distributed SCADA Software Systems: The data acquisition and control functions are divided across a number of nodes in such systems. Architecturally, this improves reliability and scalability since every node functions independently of the others.
  3. Networked SCADA Systems: These are systems using a network infrastructure for interconnecting several constituents of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Systems. They provide greater flexibility and easier integration with other systems.
  4. Web-based SCADA Systems: These have been based on web technologies in order to provide remote access and control through the medium of Web browsers. Hence, they are quite easy to access and integrate into mobile devices.

Benefits and Challenges of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Systems

Benefits of SCADA Systems

Benefit Description
Real-Time Monitoring Makes it possible to access process data instantly and speeds up the process of making decisions.
Increased Efficiency Reducing operating expenses through process control optimization and routine task automation.
Enhanced Safety Keeping an eye on vital systems and alerting operators to any dangers.
Data Logging and Reporting Logging information for compliance reporting and historical analysis.
Remote Access Control and monitor from a remote location for improved flexibility.

SCADA Systems Implementation Challenges:

Challenge Description
Cybersecurity Risks Susceptible to data compromise and operational disruption caused by hackers.
Complexity Specialist knowledge is needed because its design, implementation, and maintenance might be complicated.
High Costs While the setup costs are high initially, they also increase with ongoing upkeep.
Integration Issues Integrating with current technology and systems presents certain problems.
Scalability Concerns It can be necessary to make significant adjustments to the system’s scaling up to handle growth.

Advantages of Implementing SCADA

  • Enhanced Control: SCADA software systems arm operators with the most advanced tools possible to monitor and process industrial procedures with very high accuracy. Through real-time data visualization and control interfaces, an operator can now make informed decisions and take instant actions in adjusting the processes as required.
  • Operational Efficiency: Since they automate the repetitive process and centralize a variety of control activities, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Systems reduce the requirement for human intervention. These tremendously streamlined procedures reduced the likelihood of human error and quickened response times. Simply stated, SCADA does all the mundane and challenging control tasks so that operators are left with the more strategic aspects of process management, thereby increasing output and efficiency in any business.
  • Predictive Maintenance: By the continued monitoring of equipment and trends in acquired data, SCADA allows for predictive maintenance. SCADA can acquire and review past and real-time data to pinpoint patterns indicative of potential equipment failures or requirements for maintenance before they actually do happen.
  • Regulatory Compliance: SCADA systems add to accurate logging and reporting capabilities with regulatory compliance. They track, log, and display process data, and operational metrics with all other associated mission-critical information required by regulators. They help capture all relevant data and document it to help organizations comply with industry regulations and standards; this aids in auditing procedures needed both legally and in terms of safety.

Potential Cybersecurity Risks – SCADA Attacks

Cybercriminals target the SCADA systems as their operation is critical to the industrial process. Typical Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Systems attacks include:

  • Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks: Such denial-of-service attacks against the SCADA systems are targeted at overload with huge traffic or requests that the system is unable to handle, thus processing the legitimate operations. The idea behind this type of attack is to overwhelm the system with too much data for handling, making it slow down or bring all services to complete shutdown. In a SCADA environment, this may cause huge operational delays, loss of control over industrial processes, and possible safety hazards.
  • Man-in-the-Middle Attacks: In the case of a Man-in-the-Middle attack, the cybercriminal intercepts and might even modify communications between SCADA components. Here, the criminal introduces himself between the channels of the data transmission; now, with his/her position in place, the criminal might eavesdrop, manipulate, or inject false information into the communications stream.
  • Malware: Such malware attacks are aimed at infecting SCADA systems with malicious software meant either to disrupt operations or steal sensitive information. This may include a lot of malware types, including viruses, worms, ransomware, and trojans. After entering into a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System, malware may compromise the integrity of the data, change control settings, or even lock operators out of important systems.
  • Phishing: SCADA system personnel are targeted by phishing attacks in emails or messages that elicit sensitive information or credentials. More often than not, such attacks are masked as real communications coming from vendors or other internal departments. In this case, an attack is successful when the personnel are successfully tricked into responding, which allows access to the SCADA system. The attackers could then manipulate the process, steal data, or conduct other types of attacks.

How to Mitigate SCADA Cybersecurity Risks?

Mitigating cybersecurity risks in SCADA systems involves implementing a comprehensive security strategy:

  1. Network Segmentation: Network segmentation has been implemented to isolate the SCADA systems from the corporate network and other external networks in order to limit access.
  2. Access Controls: Put in an effective authorization and authentication process for access to the SCADA systems by authorized personnel only.
  3. Regular Updates: Make sure that the newest security patches are applied and the latest upgrades for hardware and software.
  4. Intrusion Detection Systems: Install IDS to watch allowed events for intrusions. Train all the staff properly on cybersecurity best practices and threat detection.
  5. Employee Training: Ensure that the staff is made aware of SCADA cybersecurity best practices and threat detection procedures.
  6. Backup and Recovery Plans: Develop backup and recovery plans that address data integrity and system restoration against attacks, and effectively test them.

How to choose the best SCADA solution for businesses?

Choosing the best SCADA for a business has implications on operational efficiency, security, and scalability in addition to cost-effectiveness. Detailed here is the guidance that will help you choose wisely:

1. Understand Business Requirements

Choose the right SCADA solution by clearly defining your business needs. First, define what you want your SCADA system to achieve. This may be real-time monitoring, control, automation, predictive maintenance, or simply compliance. The next step is the identification of major processes that the SCADA system is going to monitor and control. Doing so narrows down the choices of selecting a solution that meets your operational needs.

2. System Integration and Compatibility

The other important consideration is that it should be compatible with all your current installed devices like PLCs, sensors, etc. It should also be integrated into other software platforms, like ERP or MES systems, enabling real-time data exchange and easing operations. In addition, the SCADA system should support other communication protocols currently in use to ensure that data is received properly over your network without extensive modifications.

3. Data Handling Capabilities

Another critical factor is the SCADA system’s handling ability regarding data. Ensure that it is capable of real-time data processing; timely and accurate information is critical to making informed decisions. Historical data management capability should be strong, with a view to long-term data storage and easy retrieval.

4. User Interface and Usability

Usability in a SCADA system is an important factor for efficient and effective operations. A user-friendly interface will ensure that operators, engineers, and managers can use the system naturally, thus reducing the learning curve and hence minimizing errors. The key features of usability include clear visualization by means of intuitive dashboards and graphics that present data in an understandable form for quick decision-making. Besides, it should be easy to manipulate, such that users can carry out operations with less complication.

5. Vendor Support and Reliability

When choosing a SCADA solution, reliability and support are major contributions from the vendor. Integrating a trustworthy, seasoned vendor like SentinelOne will dramatically increase your all-round experience besides the added operational security. SentinelOne is a next-generation cybersecurity solution provider, very relevant in the context of SCADA systems controlling vital industry processes. SentinelOne’s industry standing is based on a long history of delivering robust, scalable, and secure solutions tailored to the unique needs of many verticals.


Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Systems are the backbone of any industrially driven process in terms of their efficient and reliable management. They monitor, control, and analyze data in real time to drive improvement in operational efficiency and safety. With great integration into business comes great cyber risk.

Effective security measures within SCADA and new technologies implemented are critical to protect against emerging threats. Kinds of SCADA software solutions are already out in the market and could be harnessed to find the right need for your business against any threats or insecure operational environments.


1. What is Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition, and how does it work?

Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition refers to an industrial control system used for monitoring and process control. Its working can be described as it collects real-time data from field devices; it processes the data and provides a user interface through which the operator controls and monitors the process.

2. What are the three main types of SCADA systems for businesses?

The three major Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Architecture types are monolithic, distributed, and networked SCADA systems.

3. What are common SCADA attacks, and how can businesses defend against them?

The most typical threats to the implementation of SCADA are malware, phishing, man-in-the-middle, and denial of service. Organizations may reduce such risks to some extent by implementing network segmentation, access controls, regular updating, intrusion detection, training of employees, and backup/recovery strategies.

4. What are the primary applications of SCADA?

The main application areas of SCADA systems are Process Control, Manufacturing, Energy Management, Water Treatment, Transportation, and Oil and Gas.

5. What is the difference between DCS, PLCs, and SCADA for business operations?

Distributed control systems ( DCS) deal with management and process control located in one geographic area. Programmable logic controllers (PLCs) are devices dedicated to automation tasks. SCADA systems monitor and control distributed process applications centrally.

6. Which is more suitable for my business SCADA or PLC?

The requirements of your organization will dictate whether a PLC or a SCADA is appropriate. PLCs are better localized to automation and control activities, while SCADA is appropriate for centralized monitoring and control of complex and distributed operations.

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