What is Network Endpoint Security? Benefits & Challenges

Learn different techniques for securing network endpoints. From threat detection to advanced segmentation techniques, learn how to protect your organization's network perimeter by using solutions like SentinelOne.
By SentinelOne October 21, 2024

Network endpoint security is focused on securing devices that use networks. These devices are referred to as endpoints and might include computers, smartphones, servers, and other devices connected to the internet. Securing these endpoints is important for preventing unauthorized access and data breaches. Endpoints are usually the first exposed point with which cybercriminals come in contact. Thus, it is very important for organizations to implement network security to reduce their risks of losing valuable data, money, and reputation.

The current network infrastructure is present in various locations, cloud environments, and remote work setups, which increases the attack surface. Network endpoint security focuses on protecting all the connected devices without depending on their location or type. This blog will discuss network endpoint security and its importance, providing examples of its application and suggestions on how to implement this technology in a dynamic digital environment.

What is Network Endpoint Security?

Network endpoint security refers to the set of practices and technologies aimed at protecting the security of the network and the network-connected devices. It involves monitoring and managing the network as well as securing it against potential attackers and unauthorized access. There are several reasons why network endpoint security is important.

  1. Protection against threats: Network endpoint security helps protect the devices from all possible threats that may come from the network, including different types of malware, ransomware, and phishing attacks.
  2. Data security: Endpoint security is essential, as it helps protect the devices from the risk of losing important, private, and corporate information by securing the devices that store or access it.
  3. Compliance: In many industries, endpoint protection is required by specific guidelines and rules to ensure data security as well as privacy.
  4. Cost reduction: The direct costs related to cyber-attacks, as well as the costs of operational downtime, can be significantly reduced with network endpoint security.
  5. Productivity: If the endpoint devices are properly secured, they have a lower chance of being out of order during the time of a cyber-attack.

Network-Based Threats to Endpoints

Threats to network-connected endpoints are large in number. These threats exploit the vulnerabilities in network communications and protocols. Let’s consider some of the most common network-based threats to endpoints:

1. Man-in-the-Middle Attacks

This type of attack occurs when an attacker is intercepting the communication between two participants. The attackers place themselves between the transmitting and the receiving endpoint and can alter or acquire any data. It is a dangerous active threat that can take place anywhere where the network is unprotected. To intercept the transmission, the attacker may use ARP spoofing, DNS hijacking, or other similar techniques to be able to redirect the data through their channels, steal it, or immerse it in malware.

2. Network Sniffing and Eavesdropping

This is another type of threat that makes use of unencrypted and exposed data transmission. The threat actors use network sniffers to harvest various types of exposed data that they can later analyze. It may include passwords, emails, and other sensitive information that can be tracked. The eavesdropping threat may not involve data harvesting but only involves listening to exposed data.

3. ARP Spoofing and DNS Poisoning

ARP spoofing uses the Address Resolution Protocol to map the IP addresses to the MAC addresses with the falsified ARP requests that correlate the attacker’s MAC address with a legitimate IP address of another endpoint. DNS spoofs manipulate the Domain Name System records. Attackers corrupt DNS cache entries to redirect users to malicious websites. These attacks can cause data theft or malware injection. They exploit fundamental network protocols.

4. Denial of Service (DoS) and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks

The DoS and DDoS attacks all provide the deductibility effect, meaning that the target is no longer accessible from the network. The DoS uses one device to overwhelm the target endpoint, while the DDoS attacks utilize a vast number of devices that have been compromised, thus forming a botnet. Both variations of this type of threat can target network layers from bandwidth to the application. Impacts range from financial losses to service disruption and reputation damage.

5. Lateral Movement Techniques

Lateral movement is a process attackers use to conduct further activities across the attacked network after they get a foothold in the internal network. The attackers use credentials that were previously stolen during the initial compromise. The attackers may also exploit a vulnerability or abuse a trust relationship between an operating system and a network or devices between them. The threat actors use lateral movement to escalate privileges, obtain access to other data, or ensure greater persistence.

How does Network Endpoint Security Work?

Network endpoint security comprises technologies and practices aimed to protect all devices that are connected to a network. This is how it works:

  1. Network endpoint security systems analyze all the traffic coming in and out of the endpoint devices. They use sophisticated algorithms that either detect unusual patterns or look for known threat signatures.
  2. Once the threat is recognized, the system undertakes immediate action. It does not only detain malicious traffic but also isolates infected endpoints or alerts the security team.
  3. Endpoint security solutions implement security policies on endpoint devices. This includes organizing access rights of different user groups, ensuring that software on devices is always up to date by regular scanning, and controlling which applications are allowed for usage.
  4. Some endpoint security systems, such as SentinelOne, use behavioral analysis to identify potential threats. Essentially, such analysis is based on studying the behavior of users and systems that are valid for detecting anomalies.
  5. Also, such systems frequently combine with other protection tools, such as firewalls or intrusion detection systems. Thus, a complete defense system is created that allows for distribution alerts across the network.

Network Segmentation for Endpoint Security

One of the fundamental methods of enhancing endpoint security is network segmentation. It involves dividing networks into smaller sections to restrict the spread of potential threats. Some of the most used network segmentation methods include:

  • VLANs and Subnetting

Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs) and subnetting are two of the foundational network segmentation methods. VLAN allows for the categorization of devices into logical groups inside physical networks by function or security measure. Subnetting, on the other hand, consists of segmenting IP networks into numerous subnetworks. These methods allow organizations to control traffic flow between varied sections of a system, limiting the attack surface of the network.

  • Microsegmentation

Microsegmentation is an advanced form of network segmentation that achieves granular network sectioning. It enables organizations to isolate their workloads in data centers or cloud environments and apply security measures to individual endpoints or groups of a few endpoints. It enables organizations to maintain the most recent security concerns, effectively changing their security policies and implementing posture enforcement.

  • Software-Defined Perimeter (SDP)

Software-defined perimeter is a security framework that offers dynamic network isolation. It achieves this through unique, constant, and mutual one-to-one connections between users and the resources they attempt to access. The system uses a controller to authenticate and authorize users before connecting users to their requested services. It operates on the “need-to-know” principle and ensures minimal authentication.

  • Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA)

The Zero Trust Network Access model operates on the notion of ‘never trust, always verify.’ ZTNA presumes nothing can be trusted, including devices and users within the organizational network. Thus, it demands continuous authorization and authentication of all users and devices.

Network Endpoint Security Benefits

Network endpoint security offers several key benefits for organizations. These advantages help improve overall security posture and operational efficiency:

1. Enhanced Protection

Enhanced protection against cyber threats is a primary benefit of network endpoint security. It provides a strong defense against malware, ransomware, and other malicious activities. By securing individual endpoints, organizations can prevent attackers from gaining a foothold in their network. This comprehensive protection helps maintain data integrity and system availability.

2. Improved Visibility

Improved visibility into network activities is another significant advantage. Endpoint security solutions offer detailed insights into device behavior, user actions, and network traffic patterns. This visibility allows security teams to detect and respond to threats more quickly. It also helps identify potential vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.

3. Compliance With Regulatory Requirements

Network endpoint security contributes to better compliance with regulatory requirements. Many industries have strict data protection regulations that mandate specific security measures. By implementing robust endpoint security, organizations can more easily meet these compliance standards. This not only avoids potential fines but also builds trust with customers and partners.

4. Increased Productivity

Increased productivity is a critical advantage of using endpoint security that is often overlooked. By minimizing security incidents, an organization reduces system downtime and disturbances. Secure endpoints are less vulnerable to performance failure due to the removal of the presence of malware, particularly those with the ability to install unauthorized software.

5. Cost Reduction

Another advantage of implementing effective endpoint security is that it reduces costs. Although the installation may be expensive, it provides an opportunity to save money in various ways. By preventing successful attacks, organizations avoid the high costs associated with data breaches, including recovery expenses, legal fees, and reputational damage.

Securing Remote Network Access

Secure remote network access is important in modern distributed work environments. A variety of technologies and security solutions exist today, enabling organizations to secure their network and data when employees connect from other locations. Let’s discuss the key technologies and state-safe practices for ensuring secure remote access:

  • VPN Technologies (IPsec, SSL/TLS)

VPN technology provides users with the capability to create an encrypted tunnel, which enables secure communication across the public network. IPsec VPN operates in the network layer, providing a secure connection to all traffic between the endpoints. SSL/TLS VPN functions in the application layer and offers more secure access to specific applications. VPN is more accessible as it uses the same technical tools as those present in hosting secure websites and is thus easier to implement and introduce in certain environments.

  • Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) Security

RDP is used to connect to another computer using the network. The following measures are used to secure organizations’ RDP, including the use of strong passwords and an account lockout policy to prevent brute-force attacks. Organizations should make use of Network Level Authentication (NLA) to increase security by requiring user authorization before being able to provide access to the remote desktop.

  • Secure Shell (SSH)

Secure Shell is used to ensure that remote access to systems is securely transmitted. SSH is particularly important for command-line access and is used for securely transferring computer files as well. It ensures strong encryption to protect data and strong authentication measures to confirm that the connecting user is who they say they are.

  • Multi-factor authentication for Remote Access

It is important to secure data with an additional security layer, multi-factor authentication. Adding MFA in remote access requires a user to provide two or more verification factors, which include something that the user knows (i.e., password), something that the user has (i.e., a token or a device), and something that the user is (i.e., biometric data such as fingerprints). This enhances the probability of preventing unauthorized access.

Network-based Threat Detection and Prevention

Network-based threat detection and prevention is one of the main components of a security strategy. The technology constantly monitors network traffic in an effort to prevent potential risks from causing damage. The technologies and strategies include the following:

1. NIDS and NIPS Deployment Strategies

Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) and Network Intrusion Prevention Systems (NIPS) are vital tools in any security strategy. NIDS tools monitor traffic passing through servers or networked devices of organizations and choose to report any suspicious traffic to security staff. NIPS goes a step further and attempts to stop or block the flow of traffic.

2. Signature-Based vs. Anomaly-Based Detection

Signature-based detection uses a database of known threat signatures and matches instances of data packets with these records. It is an effective method of discovering specific and standardized attacks, yet it has severe limitations when it comes to identifying new, evolving, or unknown threats. Anomaly-based detection sets a baseline of acceptable traffic, and when the anomalies are detected, the system raises a red flag.

3. Host-Based Firewalls and Application-Aware Firewall Rules

Host-based firewalls secure individual hosts and control network traffic to and from these hosts. The devices are capable of filtering network traffic based on pre-set rules. Application-aware firewall rules go a step further than standard port-based filtering and take into account the legitimacy of given applications based on their behavior.

4. Egress Filtering

This control measures monitor and filter outbound data transmitted through the Internet. Such filters make it difficult for hackers to transfer data from the organization’s systems and networks to their own private servers. Through monitoring, the egress filters can also locate and identify compromised and vulnerable systems that try to communicate with command and control servers. Such measures detect and prevent unauthorized data transfer.

5. Traffic Analysis and Packet Inspection

Organizations can evaluate network communications for correspondence to known attacks, patterns, profiles, or exploits, as well as for reference to invalid network packets or techniques. Traffic analysis monitors network communication patterns and provides information relevant to future detections. It also provides information concerning any future anomalies.

Best Practices for Securing Network Endpoints

Implementing strong network endpoint security requires a multi-faceted approach. Here are five best practices organizations should follow:

#1. Regular Software Updates and Patch Management

Keeping all endpoint software up-to-date is crucial for security. This includes operating systems, applications, and security software. Establish a systematic approach to patch management, prioritizing critical security updates. Automate the update process where possible to ensure timely application of patches. Regularly audit endpoints to identify and address any outdated software or missing patches.

#2. Implement Strong Access Controls and Authentication

Enforce strong password policies across all endpoints. Implement multi-factor authentication (MFA) for all user accounts, especially for remote access. Use the principle of least privilege, granting users only the minimum level of access necessary for their roles. Regularly review and update access permissions to maintain tight control over sensitive resources.

#3. Deploy and Maintain Endpoint Protection Software

Install and consistently update antivirus and anti-malware software on all endpoints. Use advanced endpoint detection and response (EDR) solutions to monitor and respond to threats in real-time. Enable personal firewalls on all devices to control incoming and outgoing network traffic.

#4. Network Segmentation and Isolation

Segment your network to limit the potential spread of threats. Use virtual LANs (VLANs) or software-defined networking to create isolated network segments. Implement strict access controls between these segments. For particularly sensitive systems or data, consider using air-gapped networks or strict isolation measures. This approach can significantly reduce the impact of a breach by containing it to a limited portion of the network.

#5. Continuous Monitoring and Incident Response Planning

Implement continuous monitoring of all network endpoints. Security information and event management (SIEM) systems are used to collect and analyze log data across the network. Develop and regularly update an incident response plan that outlines steps to be taken in case of a security breach. Conduct regular security audits and penetration testing to identify and address vulnerabilities.

Challenges in Implementing Network Endpoint Security

Implementing network endpoint security presents several challenges for organizations. These obstacles can impact the effectiveness of security measures and require careful consideration:

1. Network Complexity

The complexity of modern networks poses a significant challenge. Today’s networks often include a mix of on-premises, cloud, and hybrid environments. This diversity makes it difficult to maintain consistent security policies across all endpoints. Different types of devices, operating systems, and applications add to this complexity. Security teams must develop strategies that can adapt to this heterogeneous landscape while ensuring comprehensive protection.

2. Evolving Threat Landscape

Keeping up with evolving threats is an ongoing challenge. Cybercriminals constantly develop new attack methods and techniques. This rapid evolution of threats requires security teams to continuously update their knowledge and tools. Signature-based detection methods may become less effective against novel threats. Organizations must invest in advanced threat detection systems and regularly update their security strategies to stay ahead of emerging risks.

3. Security vs Usability

Balancing security with user productivity often creates friction. Strict security measures can sometimes hinder user workflows or slow down systems. This can lead to user frustration and attempts to bypass security controls. Finding the right balance between robust security and user-friendly processes is crucial. Organizations must implement security measures that protect assets without significantly impacting productivity.

4. Resource Limitations

Resource constraints, both in terms of budget and skilled personnel, present another challenge. Implementing comprehensive endpoint security solutions can be costly. Many organizations struggle to allocate sufficient funds for advanced security tools and technologies. Finding and retaining skilled security experts to manage complex endpoint security systems is increasingly difficult for many companies.

SentinelOne for Network Endpoint Security

SentinelOne is an advanced system for network endpoint security. It is an innovative approach to cyber security based on the use of artificial intelligence and automation. In this section, let’s discuss the system’s main features.

SentinelOne’s Network Security Capabilities

The SentinelOne’s system prevents, detects, and responds to threats in the real-time of network actions. On the one hand, it screens all incoming and outgoing data. On the other hand, it carefully tracks the behavior of each endpoint. Whenever the system identifies a potential threat, it autonomously manages it, its suspicious activities are blocked, and compromised endpoints are to be isolated from the rest of the system to prevent the lateral movement of malware.

AI-Driven Threat Detection and Response

Machine learning is the technology behind the products of the SentinelOne system. Its use enables tracking traffic modeling and endpoint behavior, studying potentially dangerous patterns in them. Continuous learning based on new data is of crucial importance for a product designed to detect emerging threats. When such a threat, in fact, is detected, the system autonomously responds to it by blocking the respective processes or isolating suspicious endpoints.

Network Visibility and Control Features

SentinelOne provides extensive network visibility and control features. Sys admins appreciate the considerable control that the system gives them over the network. Specifically, the SentinelOne product offers a centralized dashboard allowing security administrators to view all endpoints and all activities on the network from it. In addition, it monitors each approach of data circulation, application type, etc.


Network endpoint security is an important part of any modern cybersecurity effort. An effective solution would be combining multiple technologies and practices. Specifically, this includes network segmentation, secure and easily accessible remote access solutions, advanced threat detection and prevention systems, and highly capable endpoint protection software. While the above practices are sufficient, protecting network endpoints is not easy.

The network environment is becoming more complex, the threat landscape continues to change, and the number of endpoints that are present on the network is increasing.

As such, the challenges of protecting network endpoints are evident. The increase in the number of factors and endpoints that need to be considered makes this task more difficult. It is also clear that as threats continue to change, so should our approach to solving these problems.

Endpoint Security that Stops Threats at Faster Speed and Greater Scale Than Humanly Possible.

One intelligent platform for superior visibility and enterprise-wide prevention, detection, and response across your attack surface, from endpoints and servers to mobile devices.