SentinelOne Vs. Babuk – Mitigation and Rollback
Watch how SentinelOne mitigates and rolls back Babuk. Babuk as RaaS (Ransomware-as-a-Service) initially emerged in early 2020. The service was sold and advertised in multiple well-known ‘underground’ forums and marketplaces.
Babuk is a multi-pronged extortion threat. First, the attackers exfiltrate all enticing data and start encrypting devices. Then, Victims are extorted into paying the ransom to prevent leakage and to decrypt their data.
As of April 2021, the initial Babuk team announced on Twitter and their blog about retiring their service and open-sourcing their code. Then, a series of public leaks included Babuk source code and builder tools. As a result, we’ve seen the emergence of Babuk-derived ransomware families. These include Rook, Pandora, Dark Angels Team, HelloXD, and others.
#Babuk #cybersecurity #ransomware #ransomwareasaservice